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vtay's Reviews

    1. Tracyeinny   
       26 May 2009 at 3:09 pm
       tracyeinny1.jpg   tracyeinny2.jpg   tracyeinny3.jpg   tracyeinny4.jpg   tracyeinny5.jpg
    I believe this blogstore has been around for a long time, judging from the number of collections they have to date! (133 collections to date!)

    Tracyeinny has a very professional and clean cut layout. I cannot stress enough the importance of having a neat layout. Many times, blogstores fail in this aspect. Over here, there are even instructions on how to navigate the blogstore better. Thumbs up for that foresight!

    The homepage only displays the latest announcements and the latest collection. In this way, online shoppers won't get confused. Also, the page will not take too long to load! Many other blogshops display too many entries in the landing page and it gets VERY frustrating waiting for everything to finish loading.

    Tracyeinny's service is also of a good standard. E-mails are replied rather promptly (at least once a day) and once the item has been mailed, they inform customers.

    Over here, they have a wide range of clothes. Just by scrolling down the latest collection, I can already spot the many different types of clothes that caters to people who have different tastes in fashion! Its always important to cater to as many people as possible, especially since their target age group consists of rather fickle people when it comes to style and fashion!

    All in all, I feel very satisfied with my purchase from Tracyeinny and I recommend everyone to check them out. The prices are reasonable too! Definitely worth the money.
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of
    Comments on this review:
    1. vtay
      vtay said:
      I give this blogshop 5 STARS!! The star panel doesn't want to let me rate it for some unknown reason. Grrrr!!
      26 May 2009 at 3:10 pm
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       24 Apr 2009 at 4:25 pm
    Category: Seafood
       shrankprawnsalad.jpg   shrankduck.jpg   shrankseafoodsalad.jpg   shranksharksfin.jpg
    I went there with my family for the lunch time eat-all-you-can buffet on Saturday.

    It was about 40 dishes for only around $30 per person.

    Only a one-time order is allowed for the more expensive items (eg. Shark's Fin Soup, Abalone...) but for the other items on the menu, repeated orders are allowed.

    This was one of the few times in my life so far that I've eaten Abalone. I usually dislike the taste and texture of it, but over here, they cook it really well and the Abalone was really tender and juicy. The sauce they used also complimented the taste... it was a balanced sweet and salty flavour. For once, eating Abalone wasn't like chewing on an eraser!

    I also especially enjoyed the Thai Seafood Salad! I've been going all over the country to try out all the different versions of Thai Seafood Salad from whichever thai vendors I come across, and I must say that over here, their seafood salad is even better than at Thai Express! I love how generous they are with onions and prawns! The sauce they used (consisting of lemongrass, garlic, lime... if I'm not wrong) also added on to the awesome flavour of the salad!

    The only dish I didn't enjoy was the coffee-sauce pork slices. I thought it tasted a little strange. Besides, I never really liked pork, so I only tried it for the sake of trying it.

    They have quite an assortment of desserts too, and if you're interested in checking out sea creatures, the aquariums are right there for your scrutiny!

    It was all in all a pleasant experience! Definitely worth the money, especially if you have a massive appetite!
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
    Comments on this review:
    1. ladyironchef
      ladyironchef said:
      Somebody is a yebber ambassador now, have to write more! haha. welcome to the group :)
      13 May 2009 at 10:36 am
    2. vtay
      vtay said:
      hahah haven't officially joined you guys yet lah... but thanks! looking forward to! =P haha.
      13 May 2009 at 12:14 pm
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       24 Mar 2009 at 11:59 pm
    In Singapore, Victoria's Secret is currently only available at Changi Airport. For someone like me who stays in the central area of the island, it is obviously rather inconvenient for me to travel all the way to the airport just to get myself Victoria's Secret products.

    Thankfully, online shopping exists! Apart from, there are a few other blogshops that are being run by several Singaporean ladies who are also fans of Victoria's Secret products. Some of the prices of the products are slightly more expensive than if you buy it directly from the main website itself, but it definitely beats having to wait for 2 weeks for your items to arrive from the States!

    Also, if you find yourself eyeing items from past seasons and you can no longer find it on, these blogshops are also able to get those items for you. When asked, a blogshop owner revealed to me that some items (only SOME, not all) are obtained via eBay.

    While it is true that you can get it yourself from eBay, I just feel that it's safer to buy it through the blogshop owners because you never know if a swindler is behind an account, and these blogshop owners regularly deal with specific sellers on eBay so they would know who is trustworthy. That's why I feel that its better to buy it through them since in a way, I'm paying for them to do the toughest part of it.

    Afterall, if they order an item and they pay for it before you pay them (which is usually the case for instocks since they have to possess the items before selling it to you) and if they get cheated of it, you lose nothing. So I feel that letting them earn that bit more money is rather reasonable.

    However, there are a few blogshops that raise their prices very steeply, so its always good to check out as many blogshops as you can find and compare the prices of items for the best deal! Some times the difference can be up to 50%! So do watch your own back regarding that unless you really have a fair bit of spare cash to spend!
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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         31 Dec 2008 at 2:59 pm
      Category: Hospitals
      If you get into an accident, i hope they don't send you there.

      I feel VERY disappointed with TTSH.

      My boyfriend got hit by a car in October at Novena, so naturally, the ambulance brought him there. I received a call and i rushed down to the hospital, but when i got there, i realized i had no idea where the A&E was since i hadn't had any chances to go there before.

      I went to the reception/information counter, but the lady was on the phone! I even waved at her frantically to get her attention to ask for directions to the A&E, but i was COMPLETELY IGNORED!! It was ridiculous. Another passing doctor told me how to get to the A&E at basement 1.

      When i got to basement 1, i couldn't immediately locate the A&E, so i asked another random hospital stuff for directions. Guess what? The guy said, "Erm.... I don't know... I don't think we have that...."

      A hospital that doesn't have an A&E. RIGHT. I was utterly furious at the hospital by then. Why are the staff so poorly educated on the hospital facilities?? I really expected that all the staff at least know where the A&E would be! The receptionist was horribly rude too! Not doing her job at all.

      We waited for about 5hours until they saw my boyfriend. The nurse who was supposed to take down the condition of my boyfriend did a very bad job too. While asking questions, she kept fiddling with the printer and trying to change the paper, therefore wasn't listening to anything we said. She ended up asking questions more than once, and i got very impatient and told her off. She even DARED to glare at me! Obviously i glared back because SHE WAS IN THE WRONG.

      My boyfriend was warded from 11.30pm to 12noon the next day, and rightfully, he should be able to claim the hospital stay from Medisave, but TTSH sent him the bill and stated that he was admitted at 10am and discharged at 12noon, therefore not qualifying for Medisave coverage as it was under 8hours, and they didn't hesitate to charge him for breakfast and lunch too. That was SO DESPICABLE of TTSH! I can't believe they would go to this extent to earn that little bit of money!!

      I am THOROUGHLY UNIMPRESSED at TTSH and i suggest you all transfer your check ups or follow ups to another hospital.
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 1 out of Rating: 1 out of Rating: 1 out of Rating: 1 out of Rating: 1 out of
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           30 Nov 2008 at 6:43 pm
        Category: American
        I am utterly disappointed in the standard of Fisherman's Wharf.

        I have heard so many friends raving about that place, on how great their fish n chips was and how value for money it was, so i decided to check it out yesterday just to satiate my craving for fish n chips.

        It did not satiate anything, and it was so bad that i couldn't bring myself to finish all of it. In fact, it made me crave more food and i had to cross over to Central to buy myself something else.

        I ordered Halibut and my boyfriend ordered the traditional Cod fillet fish n chips. My Halibut was $12 and his Cod was all of $18.50... it was the biggest waste of money in terms of dining this year.

        I opted for chips instead of fries, but when my food arrived, it looks just like fries! All they did was cut the potato up to look like fries. What kind of chips do you call that? Furthermore, they were pretty badly burnt to a dull shade of brown. It was not aesthetically pleasing at all.

        I tried one piece of the Cod fish and found that it was badly cooked. It was so dry and chewy! My halibut was cooked to a decent standard, but overall, both fishes were completely tasteless and i had to keep drenching vinegar on them! The chilli sauce and the tartare sauce they provided was not enough to salvage the tastelessness of it all.

        I am generally very disappointed in Fisherman's Wharf and i will not return in future.
        Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
        Rating given:Rating: 1 out of Rating: 1 out of Rating: 1 out of Rating: 1 out of Rating: 1 out of
        Comments on this review:
        1. ladyironchef
          ladyironchef said:
          haha it was super long ago, like a year? i also dont like it, but wont to the extent give one star la, its average lor.
          30 Nov 2008 at 9:06 pm
        2. vtay
          vtay said:
          no dude its not average to me. it was MORBID, to say the least. ahaha.
          01 Dec 2008 at 2:47 pm
        3. ladyironchef
          ladyironchef said:
          LOL! maybe standards have drop even further. ha
          02 Dec 2008 at 7:31 am
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