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vtay's Reviews

    6. Tataro Land   
       10 Oct 2008 at 1:24 pm
       bags_b100b.jpg   dresses_dr109bl.jpg   mix41.jpg   scarves_sc104p.jpg   tees_ts107w_side1.jpg
    Generally a pleasing site to voyeur. Very clean cut, uncluttered and neatly organized.

    I like it that they have the individual sections (tops, dress, scarves etc.) so its very easy for potential customers to navigate.

    The site also uses pastel colours which is very pleasing to the eyes and gives you a very relaxed feeling when you're browsing around. That's a good thing because its always important to make sure potential customers feel comfortable because it makes them want to continue browsing for more things at their own pace.

    Some online stores use too many flashy and loud colours, coupled with even more flash animations all over, it can be quite a headache. But Tataro Land doesn't over-clutter their pages, so its good.

    The shopping cart function also makes things a lot easier because customers don't have to go through the hassel of remembering item names and item numbers and having to email to order and stuff. I understand that the shopping cart function is rather costly, so i appreciate that they have gone the extra mile to include the function instead of trying to cut back on set-up costs.

    The clothes are very nice and very unique, but that may be a bit of a problem because it is such that only a targetted group of people will be able to appreciate it as it is not something that a big group of people would wear.

    Updates seem to be rather slow... been observing it for a while now.

    All in all, its a pretty pleasant online store so check it out and see if you can find your true style at Tataro Land!
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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      7. MYnt   
         26 Sep 2008 at 1:43 pm
         dynasty-tales.JPG   garden-of-promises.JPG   like-you-rose.jpg   man-of-honour.jpg   red-blossoms-copy.JPG
      MYnt is blogshop worthy of visiting simple because of the owner's honesty and humility.

      Some other blogshop owners think that they are "high and mighty" just because they can make accessories that people want to buy, and many times, even a small request for changes would be turned down and rejected using the "I would like to preserve my artistic dignity" approach. But this is not the case for MYnt.

      I'm not saying that she doesn't protect the rights to alter her work, but she's very nice about it. I took a liking to a pair of earrings but they were 9cm in length which was too long for me, so i asked if she would shorten it to 6cm and even add another shorter 4cm chain. She very kindly did it and sent me a photo of how it looked after alterations.

      Best of all, she didn't try to increase the price of the item! Many other blogshop owners will increase the price as long as something even as small as a 4cm length of chains is being added. I think that isn't a very nice thing to do. Which is why i'm commending MYnt for her kindness and for being un-calculative over such matters.

      I also ordered another necklace from her. Typically, based on comparisons with several other blogshops that i visit regularly, the necklace i purchased (refer to the 4th photo) could cost from $35 to $48 because of the uniqueness of the design and the various materials used. However, MYnt only charges $15 for the necklace! It looked like something from Betsy Johnson's past-season collection which i was in love with but didn't manage to get! So i knew i HAD to have it!

      I like her blogshop because the only thing that's editted are the wordings. Other than that, the photos aren't drastically brightened just to make the accessories look better than they are, which i really appreciate, cuz it can suck when accessories look better on the computer screen and you get so disappointed when you receive it and see it as what it really is. I was very pleased with my purchase when i received them! They actually looked a tiny bit better than in photos.

      After i paid the owner, she even thanked me vociferously for supporting the blogshop and that's something that very very few blogshop owners do. And for that, i WILL carry on patronizing MYnt, cuz i think she deserves it.

      Do visit MYnt soon! Nice and chic accessories at very affordable prices... you don't even have to think twice about it!
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of
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        8. My Summer Diary   
           24 Jul 2008 at 2:34 pm
           18.jpg   28.jpg   38.jpg
        Very very new blogstore with very very few items for sale.

        Items are all imported either from Japan or Korea, and therefore the prices are of the middle to high range. However, the products look like they are made of high quality materials. So if anyone is looking for stuff that would probably last longer under heavy usage and you don't really mind the extra costs, do consider purchasing from this blogstore.

        Photos of products are well taken, the layout of the entire blogstore and all the entries are very neatly and well done.

        I especially love the header banner with the blinking stars (very nicely designed!) and the image of balloons floating into the blue sky! It gives me a very fresh and uplifting feeling and it really adds optimism to the overall package. Love it!

        Please bring in more products so that online shoppers can have more variety!
        Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
        Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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          9. A Closet Affaire   
             24 Jul 2008 at 1:53 pm
             aclosetaffaireblogspotcom.jpg   b.jpg   c.jpg
          A very nice and simple blogstore.

          The layout is simple and clean-cut, just like the accessories sold there. I believe the blogshop is rather new and therefore there aren't many entries and accessories.

          What's there, however, is nice and easily matchable with everyday casual clothes.

          One of the pieces that caught my attention was 'Ophelia'. Its a long necklace and the pendant is made up of a jade donut, a very pretty butterfly charm and some glass beads. Wendy (the owner of the blogstore) manages to add youth and elegance to the jade piece and shows that jade is not simply for more matured ladies! Very impressive!

          But does $28 really cover the cost of the jade? I'm not really sure if its even real jade because a piece of genuine jade of that size would surely cost quite a bit more?

          Generally a nice blogstore to view. Only a few pieces of accessories that made me stop scrolling and stare at them for awhile, but i think its good enough considering there isn't that many accessories to begin with. Keep up the good work and keep making more accessories!
          Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
          Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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            10. Miss Carnival   
               24 Jul 2008 at 1:32 pm
            My first impression, or rather, the first thought that ran through my head when i landed on this blogstore was "Oh mannn. Headache, headache!"

            While it might be a unique concept (I have yet to come across another blogshop that put the photos of their accessories up quite the same way...), it is really a major headache when you're browsing through a full page of all those sketchy cut-out pictures! (refer to submitted pictures... *editted* photos removed on request of blogstore owner)

            I always think that while creativity is highly crucial, the basis of presentation is still neatness. You have to be neat and keep things tidy in order to sell stuff!

            The way she does it, she doesn't highlight her accessories. At least not to me. The sketchy-ness appears somewhat amateur-ish to me, and it becomes quite an eyesore after awhile.

            Another thing i don't understand- Is there really a need to use a hole-puncher to punch such a huge hole through the guitar picks? Isn't there some hole puncher that allows accessory-makers to punch tiny holes that allow the rings and joints to fit through nicely? The "gaping hole" is quite unsightly.

            I feel that the pricing system is rather inconsistent. Some items are well-priced and worth paying but i can't say the same for others.

            Some of the wireworks aren't very well done too. But its room for improvement, so its ok. I believe the owner of this blogstore has a vision and she's able to visualize amazing things in her head, but perhaps she still lacks the skills to translate it into reality. Keep working at it, though! You'll get there! Oh and the layout can be further improved too, please!

            Nice music though.

            Visit the blogstore if you want. The accessories are alright and definitely not hedious... But you might wanna be warned about the impending headache you might be experiencing.
            Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
            Rating given:Rating: 2 out of Rating: 2 out of Rating: 2 out of Rating: 2 out of Rating: 2 out of
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