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vtay's Reviews

       23 Jul 2008 at 10:29 pm
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    Nothing much spectacular about this blogshop. Its not good but its not bad either. Therefore the 3 stars.

    Adelin's accessories are pleasant to look at and very practical too. All of them are basic and simple pieces that can be worn with everyday clothes, even jeans and t-shirt. Actually, maybe even t-shirt and shorts and slippers. Hehe.

    Certain materials Adelin uses are without a doubt rather unique (that bead thingy in the E089 earrings) but the overall design of the accessories isn't that spectacular. But that just means room for improvement!

    The prices of her accessories are very affordable! If i was to buy something from the site, i would NOT think twice because the price is justifiable.

    A pleasant blogstore to browse.
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of
    Comments on this review:
    1. ladyironchef
      ladyironchef said:
      you are becoming a niche reviewer, all the blog stores will be yours to write. lol!
      23 Jul 2008 at 11:04 pm
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    12. :lacy::roses:   
       23 Jul 2008 at 1:27 am
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    First impression of the site was pretty good. Nice header banner and tabs for easy navigation. But when i scrolled further down, i was sorely disappointed.

    Ever experience the feeling of being "cheated"? Like when you see something so awesome from the outside that you feel like checking it out inside, but when you go in, you wanna go back out again.

    Thats what i felt like after i scrolled down the page.

    I just don't get what's going on! I feel like there's simply no concept or theme for any of the pieces of accessories, and i simply can't find any tinge of character in the accessories.

    Most of them are bordering visually-tormenting. Perhaps its my individual taste, or maybe it could be my high expectations, but really, i can't find anything i'm remotely interested in owning from this blogstore!

    The pictures i have submitted are what i consider to be the best pieces of accessories i can find from that blogstore, and frankly speaking, i don't really like any of it.

    I can't comment on their service and after-sales service because i don't even want to buy anything from there.

    Visit them only if you think i'm being overly critical.
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 1 out of Rating: 1 out of Rating: 1 out of Rating: 1 out of Rating: 1 out of
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      13. The Red Jewel   
         22 Jul 2008 at 1:36 am
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      An aesthetically pleasing blogstore to browse through, The Red Jewel has a very nice and well-designed layout which very much suits the name the of the blogstore!

      The Red Jewel is run by Sam, a Singaporean girl currently based in Australia.

      Her accessories are mostly simple and clean cut, with an occasional few slightly more complexed ones.

      Judging from the website, i personally feel that Sam, the owner of The Red Jewel, specializes more in necklaces. Her more complexed pieces are mostly found in the necklace section.

      Not that all the other accessories aren't nice. They are, in fact, rather pleasing! Plus they are easy to match and not too showy, which is a good thing because it means that its very much suited to daily use!

      However, i feel that some of the prices are quite high and its the only factor that's keeping me from sweeping the whole blogstore clean! Good and bad in certain ways i guess. Or perhaps its just me being strict on my budget.

      After-sales service is awesome! I always feel that after-sales service is extremely important in order to make customers even more satisfied with their purchases!

      The first time i bought a bracelet from Sam, it arrived in the mail all broken! I immediately contacted her about it and she told me to mail it back to her and that she'd repair it and send it back at no cost at all, and she even gave me a free pair of earrings to make up for it!

      Now that is not a must for all blogshop owners, but what she did was really sweet and i feel that she really took it to another level by doing such a thing, and i was really pleased with how she handled everything, unlike some other blogshop owners who shirk responsibilities of accessories being spoiled in the mail.

      Do visit The Red Jewel if you're looking for some nice accessories and you're not too tight on budget! Its worth paying for!
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
      Comments on this review:
      1. Mel B
        Mel B said:
        aren't ferni and friends and the red jewel owned by the same owner? no wonder ferni & friends gave such tremendous reviews about the red jewel
        20 Aug 2008 at 1:52 pm
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         16 Jul 2008 at 5:35 pm
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      Very interesting online store!

      The main products are the Curious Curios charm jewellery, consisting of necklaces, rings and earrings.

      There are also clutches that are specially and lovingly handsewn by Mel, the owner of the Curiosity Shoppe. She prides herself of extremely stringent quality control for her clutches, so much so that she's start from scratch if she's dissatisfied with any aspect of a clutch! Imagine the cost and efforts involved in that... it totally makes her clutches worth paying for!

      There are also charms for DIY accessories available for sale on the site.

      Not only does Mel make trinklets, she also makes the trees for you to hang you trinklets and keep them tidy! So basically, you'll have to look no further than this store because she kinda "thinks ahead" for you and makes what you need.

      The highlight, however, i think should be her Curious Curios charm jewellery!

      I've purchased rather many pieces of accessories from her (i think adding everything up, should have hit at least 10 pieces!) and i can assure you that the quality of her accessories is nothing short of awesome. I'm not kidding!

      I especially love her necklaces! There are many different series and each have their uniqueness. Not much wire work in place, but the way the chains and charms all come together nicely to form something so awesome is just worthy of commending! Some pieces are nice and simple, others are more complex in design, but all are visually enticing!

      Every necklace also comes with a different poetry or a short paragraph or some sort of short story that's uniquely written by Mel herself. It adds a very artistic feel to everything. She also takes it to another level by using charms that are quite out of the ordinary. Why do i say so? Because many other accessory-makers aren't willing to take the risk to experiment with those "weird looking" charms, but Mel essentially captures the whole spirit of the charm and really glorifies it to its fullest potential.

      If I'm not mistaken, she uses gold-plated/non-tarnish chains and its really true. They really don't tarnish! Many other accessories have caused me to have itchy allergy reactions after wearing them for sometimes, especially if i perspire since i have horribly sensitive skin, but nothing ever seems to happen when i her accessories. I am really amazed and i can't help but keep going back for more!

      Then there are the nice, simple and catchy word-necklaces that every youth is crazy over because one word says it all! Teenagers, especially, would digg those necklaces.

      There are also pieces which make use of semi-precious stones and those would probably appeal more to slightly more matured ladies! Very elegant and classy pieces.

      Recently, one of the well-loved necklaces (meaning i like it so much that i wear it very frequently) snapped and i immediately contacted Mel about it. She responded very promptly and offered to fix it at no charge! She is very friendly, easy-going and very helpful. Great after-sales service.

      I'm a really satisfied customer of Mel's Curiosity Shoppe and you should totally check it out if you can!
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of
      Comments on this review:
      1. ladyironchef
        ladyironchef said:
        i like yr reviews on the blog shops although i don't buy them. Much more details than some others who jus write two or three lines. haha
        17 Jul 2008 at 1:05 am
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      15. Birdnestfern   
         15 Jul 2008 at 7:03 pm
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