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vtay's Reviews

    16. *XiLe Creations*   
       15 Jul 2008 at 6:44 pm
    I stumbled upon this blogshop today when i was randomly blogshop-surfing.

    *XiLe Creations has quite a wide variety of handmade accessories for sale. It is evident that the maker of the accessories has spent substantial amounts of time and effort in every stage of the process, from purchasing of materials to making the actual accessory.

    There is a diverse range of materials used (stones and centerpieces and beads) and the maker of the accessories successfully creates a style for herself, as can be seen from her works.

    Most of the accessories there are suitable for everyday casual use as the designs are rather simple and clean cut.

    Worth visiting if you enjoy simplicty but also a variety of simplicty at the same time.
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of
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      17. Get Plush!   
         25 Jun 2008 at 5:08 pm
      I've purchased several accessories from GetPlush! and i find that their designs are simple yet very pleasant.

      Some time last year, they participated in the lime flea market at *scape (behind cineleisure) and i practically sprinted down there to get my hands on their accessories.

      Sad to say, they did not look as pretty as they did on my computer screen. The images you see in the online store are (i'm giving a rough estimate) about 30% better than what it is in real life! It was a rather disappointing discovery since i had high expectations from the start when i saw the pictures of their accessories online.

      The size of their accessories are also quite small. While there may be certain intricate details being weaved into the whole design, in real life, it might be too small to be even noticed and i feel its quite a waste. Perhaps they should try to make bigger accessories?

      The quality of their accessories are only average. I have purchase accessories from other blogshops which have lasted for 1 year or more, which is quite a remarkable lifespan considering that they're only costume jewellery. However, i can't say the same about accessories from GetPlush!.

      After merely 5 or 6 times of wearing it, the chain simply snapped! I was not even tugging at it. Very disappointing.

      I have tried to contact the blogshop owner but after 3 weeks, i've yet to receive a response. I must say i'm quite disappointed with their after-sales service. Many other online sites provide way better service. Their prices are therefore also more justifiable in that way.
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 1 out of Rating: 1 out of Rating: 1 out of Rating: 1 out of Rating: 1 out of
      Comments on this review:
      1. theredjewel
        theredjewel said:
        I have to say I agree! Their earstuds can look quite enticing on the web but in reality they might differ quite a bit.
        19 Jul 2008 at 6:02 pm
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         27 Mar 2008 at 1:42 pm
      Category: Skin Care
      Brazilian waxing first-timers, i have found the best place to make your first experience (with brazilian waxing) as pleasurable as it could get!

      Check out Honeypot at Pacific Plaza.

      Firstly, for ladies who are conservative, no worries. All their staff are female, so you'll have nothing to worry about.

      Second, the ambience in the waxing room is nice and cosy, complete with calming music, so you'll probably feel like having a nice snooze in there.

      The wax that they use are specially formulated to ensure that even people with sensitive skin (especially at the delicate area) will not suffer from any after-effects.

      The staff are friendly and will chat with your casually to ease your nerves and assist in making the whole experience more pleasant.

      Even when its an "all-off" situation, you won't have to get into any awkward positions. Just turn to your side and leave all the rest to your very nice and gentle waxer.

      And before you know it, its over! You'll walk away smooth as a baby's bum and thinking to yourself, "hey that wasn't so bad. It was pretty good actually!"

      Personally, i'm a real coward when it comes to physical pain and i will cry before, during and after injections. I decided to take a chance and go to Honeypot for my first Brazilian waxing session. Not only did i live through it (which i frankly thought i wouldn't), i felt so much better about myself afterwards having gone through the whole thing!

      Try it yourself if you don't believe me!

      Oh yes and i only gave it a 4-star 'Good!' rating because when you enter the shop, it seems a bit disorganized and the ladies were nowhere to be seen. I had to call out for someone to come out to attend to me. But everything else after that went smoothly!
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
      Comments on this review:
      1. Bobo
        Bobo said:
        Cool! Another brazilian wax place!
        27 Mar 2008 at 10:44 pm
      2. Polarbear
        Polarbear said:
        No pics? Wahahaha.... I mean the store front!
        28 Mar 2008 at 9:23 am
      3. vtay
        vtay said:
        didn't occur to me to take photos of it... sorry )= maybe i will next time and add it on! hehee
        28 Mar 2008 at 12:47 pm
      4. 1 more comment »
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      19. Snowlights   
         27 Mar 2008 at 1:20 pm
         e0014allure1020.jpg   ballerina.jpg   keyandlocket.jpg   n0060chirpybirdy22_15_22.jpg   b0047lavenderwhisper1800.jpg
      Snowlights (aka Snow's Closet) is a blogshop that sells handmade accessories. Owner Ade, who also happens to be a florist, makes use of every possible material to create her accessories, including mini teddy bears!

      The accessories are very affordable such that even school students who have a fixed allowance can afford it!

      While they are affordable, Ade also ensures that she uses only the best (in quality) materials to create her accessories.

      When you're browsing, there will be a nice slow song playing in the background. It gives you a very relaxed feeling, and coupled with a nice and simple clear-cut layout, viewing the website is a real pleasure.

      The photographs displayed on the website are accurate and there is little or no discrepancies from the real thing itself!

      Personally, i've purchased a necklace from her. Initially i was quite worried that i'd purchased something that might have looked better than it actually was (like another blogshop i visited), but when i received it, i was pleasantly surprised! The real deal looked SO MUCH BETTER than in the photos! And furthermore, Ade packed my very delicate necklace into a nice little black box and cushioned it very well with just the right amount of bubble wrap.

      Other blogshop owners just wrapped many layers of bubblewrap around the necklace and its a real chore to open it because i have to be cautious not to break of any part of the necklace inside!

      Ade also adds in her personal touch by providing instructions on how to care for the trinklets.

      All in all, i feel that for an online blogshop, Snowlights is more professional than it looks.

      What you see may not be what you get, because what you get could be so much better! So go visit Snow's Closet today and be pleasantly surprised!
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of
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        20. Bloomingdazzles   
           29 Feb 2008 at 5:28 pm
           14.jpg   24.jpg   34.jpg   44.jpg   54.jpg
        Pretty handmade accessories can be found in this blogshop!

        I'm not sure whether or not its true, but personally, i feel that the owner of this blogshop specializes in designing necklaces. The pendant designs are unique and intricate, and are well-made.

        I had a love-at-first-sight experience with one piece (out of 2) of necklace which i purchased from this blog. It didn't look as heavenly and fantastic as it did in the pictures (thanks to photoshop), but nevertheless, it was very pretty and well-made, and i didn't regret my purchase.

        The necklaces were very well packed (in bubble wrap) in the mail and i even had difficulties trying to pry the wrap apart! Very secure!

        Could put in more effort on other accessories, perhaps? Only a few are captivating. The rest aren't exceptional.

        The blogshop owner's replies aren't very prompt too. Maybe once every 2 or 3 days, unlike others whom i've encountered. They reply very promptly on the same day!

        All in all, this blogshop is definitely still worth checking out. Especially the necklaces! However, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder so you got to check it out to determine for yourself!
        Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
        Rating given:Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of
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