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Ladyironchef food event and Yebber outing

Date: 13 May 2008, Tuesday

Time: 7.30pm or 8pm

Location:O Cha Cha

Price: TBA

At OChaCha, they specialise in matcha, the premium green tea served in traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony.

ladyironchef is proud to present you with the matcha green tea appreciation event in collaboration with Yebber.

With a range of matcha latte green tea to savour, each in shooter portion so that we can taste many different types of green tea. Of course you can always asked for more serving for a particular matcha that you fancy, i'm sure Miss Lee will not have any objections. Delight yourself with the many desserts available, all in Green Tea flavour. Panna Cotta, Sponge cakes, quiches & pies, matcha slices, matcha cake and many more to choose from.

And that's not all, there's the excellent sandwiches which OChaCha served, coming in three different types, Furitake Salmon Sandwich, Sakura Egg Sandwich, and the Wasabi Tuna Sandwich. For the lack in variation, the sandwiches more than made up for it in the quality. After all at O Cha Cha, they do what they are good at, Matcha!

We are working on the menu currently, and the price budget per person. The details should be out by next week. For any clarifications or enquiries, please email to bradleyfk [at] gmail [dot] com.

Read here for my review on OChaCha! Hope to see all of you there!

Copy and paste the attendance list in your reply. Thanks!

Attendance: 1. LadyIronChef 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.