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topaz's Reviews

       14 Jun 2013 at 4:46 pm
    Category: Museum
       2013-05-26-123415.jpg   2013-05-26-123529.jpg   2013-05-26-123716.jpg   2013-05-26-123838.jpg   2013-05-26-130427.jpg
    My neighbour, the Chiew family, brought their kids and us “the big kids” to this place without even a hint of where we were heading to till we reached the doorstep of the Museum.

    Seriously, I never thought I would step foot into a toy museum. Toys! Aren’t they for kids? Adults, hmmm…well, you never know till you got there.

    There are 5 storeys of toys collection from many different countries. I would suggest you start viewing from the top and slowly make your way down. There, you will find all kinds of vintage toys on display, stored in glass cabinets with the years made and the estimate value it is today. Astro Boy, Tin Tin, Popeye, Batman, Ultraman, Betty Boop, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and so many more are waiting to be discovered by you. I bet the parents will be boasting to their kids on all the kind of toys they used to play back in their good old childhood days.

    You will be shocked by how much those toys are worth today! Can you imagine what was going through my mind when I saw that? How I wish I have kept the toys when I was little. But then, our parents would be chiding us for having one toy too many. Aha…how wrong they were if they happened to visit this place and I reckoned they will beat their chest in disbelieved!

    Now kids, this is a good excuse for you to ask for more toys! And, parents please don’t get mad as this may turn out to be a worthwhile investment, not just in terms of monetary wise but is also a great way to build a strong bond between you and your precious child.
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
    Comments on this review:
    1. Leenie Pigs
      Leenie Pigs said:
      Ain't it true that you have got Great Neighbours.... Can I borrow them? :) Love vintage toys... Brings back such good memories :)
      15 Jun 2013 at 10:11 pm
    2. topaz
      topaz said:
      We are like a family, Closely-knitted. And sorry, u can't borrow them. haha...
      17 Jun 2013 at 9:59 pm
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       31 May 2013 at 10:06 pm
    Category: Taiwanese
    Went to IMM with my wife to get some stuff and were feeling kind of hungry. We haven't had a clue what we would like to eat and so we were walking aimlessly at the first level trying to see if anything catches our eyes.

    As we were walking past this shop called 鲜定味, a staff holding a menu beckoned us to try their dishes. She told us the 三杯鸡 or 3 cups chicken set was quite popular and so I decided to try @ $8.90. While my wife opted for the cheese pork chop set @ $8.90. Each set meal also comes with 3 tiny side dishes and a small bowl of soup of the day. You can choose to have either plain rice or sweet potato porridge to go along with.

    The 3 cups chicken was really delicious. The chicken was not tough. It was sweet and rich in aroma with a slight tinge of wine flavour. Basically I enjoyed my meal. But, I can't say the same for my wife's. The pork was a bit hard and too dry to swallow. No prize for guessing if she had finished her meal!

    My wife also ordered a cup of Kopi-O. Tasted it and the look on her face suggest it was not to her liking. I took a sip and felt is was too plain. One of their staff, a lady happened to walk past and noticed the odd expression on our faces. We told her the about the coffee and immediately she had it changed even though we didn't requested for it.

    Overall, It wasn't that bad an experience and we will still try their other dishes minus the cheese pork chop set. But I won't stop you if you insist! As the saying goes, "different people have different taste!"
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of
    Comments on this review:
    1. Leenie Pigs
      Leenie Pigs said:
      Mmm i like 3 cups chicken too...
      07 Jun 2013 at 1:53 pm
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    3. Forest Adventure   
       04 Nov 2009 at 2:56 pm
    Category: Parks
       Forest Adventure   forest adventure   forest adventure   forest adventure   forest adventurre
    Our company recently organized a very meaningful Team Building event with Forest Adventure. Upon arrival, we were greeted by an affable instructor who gave us a quick introduction and briefing. This is followed by the demonstration of putting on the safety hardness and emphasizing that safety should never be compromised; as we were responsible for securing ourselves to the safety lines at each stage. After which, we went through a crash course on a mini stage to give us a feel of what we’re about to experience.

    Some of the programs on offer are VIP@ Forest Adventure, Kodeb Code, Night Climb and Tree Top Challenge. We chose the Kodeb Code challenge that requires us to complete 4 sites consisting of 32 obstacles ingeniously erected 5 meters above ground on the trees. Fun and challenging obstacles like the Tarzan Swing, Trapeze, Rope Ladder, Victoria Bridge, Apple Picker’s Ladder, Scramble Net, Tunnel Crossing and many more are created to test your nerves. For those who wish to push their limits, there are tougher ones awaiting you. In order to get to the next site, you will have to do the zip lines (flying foxes) across the reservoir. The longest is 200 meters!

    We were divided into 2 teams to compete against each other. We became “Indiana Jones” just for the day as we have to perform certain tasks, i.e. solve puzzles, riddles, collect colored tokens and tackle all the obstacles, minus the danger.

    Embarking on the first site, we were a bit apprehensive as we fear for our safety and also probably due to the lack of confidence. But we managed to overcome that as our colleagues cheered us on enthusiastically and helped to ensure each other’s safety.

    While we were at site 3, one of our team members was accidentally “trapped” inside the Tunnel Crossing in an awkward position. We got paranoid as we were wondering how to rescue the damsel-in-distress. Thankfully, she “skillfully” maneuvers around to set herself free to a big round of applause. Her ‘Mission-Impossible’ performance had us literally rolling on the floor laughing.

    Our team lost the competition by a mere fraction because we forgot to carry out one of the tasks. Neither finger pointing nor accusation was level led at anyone. We accepted that it was a collective mistake, albeit, with a little harmless teasing which was all in good fun.

    Forest Adventure helped us broke the ice, laughed together, shared memorable moments and promote rapport among co-workers. Complex human relationship requires careful nurturing. It’s a small investment on an employee; a handsome revenue for the organization.

    And, if your company is looking to bond workers together, THIS IS IT!
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of
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         13 Feb 2009 at 1:47 am
      Category: Skin Care
      Finally, my worst fear has caught up with me. TOOTHACHE! It had already affected the nerve. The agonizing pain was driving me hell and back. But nothing was more daunting compared to the trip to the Dentist!

      Still vividly recalled the childhood school days, when someone appeared at the class room with a white card. The whole class froze! Everyone was holding on to their breath. As soon as the "lucky" fellow's name was called, everyone heave a huge sigh of relief.

      That faithful day, I stormed into the very first dental clinic I could find with much gusto. Ahem...actually with my wife in tow. To lend me a shoulder, should I cry like a baby. Hee hee hee...

      The first encounter with their admin was not a pleasant one. Her stern-looking face and her harsh tone sounded rather unfriendly. Fortunately for me, the pain supersedes that.

      It was my turn after fifteen minutes of waiting. I sat on the dental chair and was quickly lowered down with huge bright spot lights focusing into my mouth. The dental surgeon confirmed where the pain was and also indicated another 2 which will require treatment in the near future.

      Dental tools such as probes, saliva suction tube and whatever you call them began to fill my mouth. As described by her that the gap was a bit "huge", she will try her best to fill it up but did not guarantee it will hold. My heart was thumping really fast as soon as she began. She was steadfast and quick throughout the whole process and it took roughly about 15 minutes to complete the repair without me feeling much pain at all. I was a litttle surprised, but who cares. I have survived!

      After making payment (S$65), the admin staff, with a huge grin on her face advised me to return to the clinic if the pain did not recede in a week. I guess she's probably sympathizing what I'd gone through. Well, it does lift my spirit a little.

      After this trip, I guess visiting the dentist is not as terrifying as i thought. And so should you! As for the 2 outstanding teeth, er...I'll be back. Seriously, No Kidding!
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of
      Comments on this review:
      1. Helmet
        Helmet said:
        ang tiong, huat chye
        13 Feb 2009 at 12:46 pm
      2. topaz
        topaz said:
        scared huh
        13 Feb 2009 at 9:48 pm
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      5. HortPark   
         06 Aug 2008 at 12:58 am
      Category: Parks
         Hortpark   2008_0728sentosasgpgardenfest0013.JPG   2008_0728sentosasgpgardenfest0057.JPG   2008_0728sentosasgpgardenfest0058.JPG   2008_0728sentosasgpgardenfest0072.JPG
      This place showcases various landscape and beautiful garden designs. You will be captivated by the attractive and ingenious garden themes they have created so meticulously. It’s also remarkably clean! This place is beyond doubt a garden hub that combines learning, recreational, leisure and many more for children and adults alike.

      At the HortCentre, you will find Kha - a restaurant that serves Thai cuisine for you to savor. Beside the restaurant is a reflective pool that oversees the lush greenery, except for some buildings in the background that is a bit of an eyesore.

      While strolling around the park, we chanced upon this dancing plant (Desmodium Gyrans). Dancing plant? We looked at each other with skepticism. Nevertheless, we immediately put it to the test. Small needle-like young leaves actually dance (move) to the song we played through our mobile phone. This is amazing!

      You will probably have become more confident in planning your own garden after picking up the abundant of tips here. And, for those who can’t wait to start your own garden, a nursery which sells plants and garden related products is just around the corner.

      In doing so, you may have inadvertently done your part in saving Gaia (earth) from global warming. Now, give yourself a pat on the back.

      Getting There
      Bus: 51, 61, 93, 97, 100, 166 and 963
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of
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