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topaz's Reviews

    11. Raimah Eating House   
       31 Aug 2007 at 11:58 pm
    Category: Coffee Shops
    Ordered roti prata with onions, soto ayam and chicken cutlet for our supper. This place was a usual hunt for most of the residents especially at night. We even saw some of the people from the nearby community centre having their quick meal here.

    The roti prata was freshly made on the spot. What we liked was the thick spicy gravy unlike other places where the gravy was watery and no flavour of spices at all.

    The soto ayam was really good with generous servings of chicken meat and bean sprouts. The soup was yummy too.

    We waited quite a while for the chicken cutlet. This was because the owner wanted to re-fry the chicken so that it will be more crispy as all the chicken were half-fried in high heat just to cook the meat.

    Their ginger tea tasted marvelous. Not too sweet, light gingerly and with the right portion of tea. It was indeed a warm way to end our supper.
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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         31 Aug 2007 at 11:34 pm
      What time is it? Buffet time!! We started to scout around Orchard for buffet meals and came across this place.

      What was special about their “all-you-can-eat” buffet was that different dishes ( in small portions ) were laid in front of us. Most of them were on food warmers. This was to allow diners to sample all their dishes and then decide later which dishes they would like to re-order again.

      We tried tasting the not so spicy stuff like Ayam Panggang ( grilled chicken ) which was well marinated with a slight sweetness on the skin and moist tender meat when you bite it. Their unique Perkedel Jagung ( potato-corn fritter ) were not oily but very crispy and at each bite, you could hear the crunchiness and taste the flavour of the corn. The best dish should go to their Sate Ayam ( chicken satay ). Very juicy and not over-grilled. The spicy ones were Daging Rendang (spicy beef stew) and Sambal Udang ( prawns in spicy coconut sauce ). Both spicy dishes really stimulated our appetite and we re-ordered them with extra rice.

      We enjoyed our dinner so much that we reminded ourselves to come back again with empty stomach
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
      Comments on this review:
      1. tamjiagui
        tamjiagui said:
        how much iszi?
        20 Apr 2008 at 12:18 am
      2. topaz
        topaz said:
        buffet lunch @ $14.80 ,dinner @ $23.80 .Not sure whether the price is still the same now.
        22 Apr 2008 at 10:56 pm
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         31 Aug 2007 at 7:23 pm
      Category: Coffee Shops
      For s stall to occupy the whole coffee shop, that means business must be good. When we walked in, we were impressed by the numerous food awards ranging from Yummy King, Makansutra to Sundry Times, Her World, etc.

      We were browsing through the menu and realized that they catered a mix and match of items though they specialized in big prawn and pork ribs noodles.

      We ordered the abalone clams with prawns, pork ribs and big prawns with intestine noodles soup.

      We have our first sip of the piping hot soup. The broth was richly sweet and tasty. The abalone clams were tender. The big prawns were springy and fresh. The slices of pig intestine were chewy but easy to swallow. The texture from the pork ribs was just right that when you bite, it will automatically detached itself from the bone.

      When we left the place, we agreed that this was one of the better prawn noodles that we have tried. Overall, it tasted good but the only setback was the inconsistency of the opening hours. So if you have any sudden craving, then be mentally prepared if the stall is not open on that particular day.
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of
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           30 Aug 2007 at 7:04 pm
        Category: Coffee Shops
        We were cruising slowly along Macpherson Road to check out whether we can find something light to eat and saw this long queue in front of this shophouse. There wasn’t any visible signboard but since there was a queue, that means that the food cannot be that bad after all.

        As we passed by, we could see that most of the diners were having similar dishes. We too, ordered the same except in the smallest portion that they could offer.

        The steamed fish was very, very fresh and tender with garnishings like salted vegetables, ginger, chilli and spring onions. The light sauce that was poured over the fish made it very ideal to mix it with rice.

        The steamed otah was superb spicy with chunks of fish meat in it. That also went well with our porridge.

        Two vegetable dishes like the fried cabbage with dried shrimps and spinach with ikan bilis were popular among the diners as fresh dried ingredients were used and these added to the sweetness of the dishes.

        Their homemade ngoh hiang ( meat roll made from minced pork, prawns and onions wrapped up in bean curd skin ) were moist and meaty. Dipped into plum sauce, it brought out the fragrance of the meat mixture.

        Other dishes worth trying are egg omelette with onions, fried chicken wings ( very crispy outside and tender inside ) and braised bean curd.

        And a word of sharing, all the dishes were freshly cooked and replaced immediately once there is a demand for the same dish. Maybe this is the big factor that is drawing the crowd by word of mouth recommendation.
        Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
        Rating given:Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of
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             30 Aug 2007 at 5:46 pm
          The food served at these outlets are definitely not for dieters as most of the items in their menu are meaty and deep fried.
          We ordered their Grilled Dory Fish in Sambal Sauce, Baked Beef Lasagna and Waffle with Ice Cream.

          The dory fish was well grilled and with the sambal sauce topping, it was a perfect combination. The inner meat was soft and not dry. The sambal sauce was not spicy but tasted just right with a slight sweetness. We only wished that they could have given a bit more to spread over the whole piece of meat.

          We were told that after the first taste of their baked beef lasagna, you may never have enough of it. The lasagna has just the right proportion of tomatoes, cheese and beef layered evenly. And it is best to eat it while hot as the melted cheese would become hardened if you leave it un-eaten for a long time.

          Lastly, the waffle was served with two scoops of ice-cream. The waffle was warm and with the ice-cream slowly melting, it made it easier to spread the maple syrup and eat it sinfully.

          Unless you are not afraid to add another kilo to your weight, give this place a try as the portions served are relatively big and with the free flow of freshly baked bread and butter spread, you will come back for more.
          Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
          Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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