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topaz's Reviews

       16 Aug 2007 at 10:37 pm
    Category: Seafood, Steakhouses
    Going back to ancient days? Well, we can re-live the eating style of that period by patronising this place.

    Flavoured meats like steak, chicken, fish or prawns are served on top of a volcanic stone slab which was initially being heated in very high temperature. You “cook” your own food by turning the meat every 5 minutes depending whether you want to eat it rare, medium or well-done.

    The result is a freshly grilled, healthy and nutritious meal with a sensational taste, unique to individual liking.
    The meat can then be dipped into various sauces like wasabi mayonnaise, Mexican chilli or peppercorn.

    What we like about this type of dining was that our food remained hot and enjoyable as the natural volcanic stone retains a prime cooking temperature for 30 minutes, thus allowing us to eat at leisure with every bite as hot and delicious as the first.

    We will definitely come back again to try the rest of the items in the menu.
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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         07 Jul 2007 at 6:44 pm
      Category: Fishing
      Last Friday night, we went to this commercial fishing pond to fish. There were plenty of FREE parking spaces there unlike the one at Pasir Ris. If you’re thinking of travelling there by public transport, you can alight at Lakeside MRT station. Go to the opposite bus-stop and take SBS bus service 154. You should alight the bus at the 4th stop, right after Parkview Mansions, which is on your left. This place not only caters for 24 hours of fishing and prawning. They also have Pub, KTV lounge and food for your leisure and entertainment after a hard day’s work. Night fishing starts from 9 pm to 7 am and is priced at $30. Live prawns are priced at $4 for every 100g. We reached there at 9 pm and began to prepare our fishing gears.

      “Know your enemies and yourself; you will win hundred times in battles”- Art of War by Sun Tze. So, we went around the pond to find out what types of fish were caught by other anglers. Our verdict; there is only one - Barramundi or “Kim Bak Lor.”

      Now that we knew who our enemies (fishes) were, we decided to opt for the float technique in order to target the barramundi, a mid-to-surface feeder. Joe, my buddy, brought his lucky Penn fishing rod, while I had my secret weapon; the Abu Garcia. We barely warmed the seats when suddenly several solid blows of the whistle, followed by some stomping of the feet, jolted us out of our seats. Wondering what the commotion was all about, we quickly looked over our shoulders. To our surprise, we saw an overly enthusiastic Bangladeshi worker dashing towards the pond. Only as he hopped onto the floating platform did we realize it was time to release the fishes. It was approximately 9 30 p.m.

      Finally, the moment we had been waiting for was finally here. It was time for some real action as the adrenaline rushed through our bodies. After more than an hour of non-stop casting, our high hopes gradually turned into despair. The fishes refused to take our live baits (prawns)! Sigh…….Shoulders dropped and crest fell. We quietly sneaked past my wife, Lilian, our only spectator, to hide our embarrassment. My buddy and I decided to take a break. So, I passed my fishing rod over to her. In a jiffy, she took a strike! “Stop pulling our legs,” we shouted! She carefully reeled in a barramundi. Dammed! We were really pissed! This “Have a break, have a kit-kat” syndrome is getting into our nerves. We felt like screaming our guts out in frustration!

      By midnight, we could barely open our eyes. We were constantly dozing off while still clutching on to our fishing rods. Our meetings with “Mr. Zhou” (Zhou-Gong) were abruptly disrupted by the same effervescent worker - Wake-Up call at 1 am – releases fishes a second time. A check with the worker revealed that they would release about 30 fishes each time. “Must be 30 minus the 0,”my buddy said, irritably.

      After our coffee break, we decided to try different methods. We did the sinker, dragging, jiggling and even made tried casting to practically every spot but to no avail. As the night dragged on, our chances seemed increasingly bleak. It was already half an hour past 4 and we only had 1 fish for catch, courtesy of my wife.

      We were so dead tired that we took 40 winks. We had to leave our poor girl to fish by herself. By the time we were awake, it was a quarter to 6. We decided to call it a day. As we packed our equipments, we found another fish in the bag. She must have caught it when we were in slumber land. In order not to deflate our very fragile male egos anymore, she didn’t dare to tell us. We gave her a hard stare and she merely gave us a cheeky grin in return.

      Then she gave us a reassuring pat on the back and said: “I had a wonderful time! Joe, you can keep the fishes.” What a gentleman! Uh…hum I mean woman.

      Next time we’ll make sure we get our revenge. We promised (Fingers crossed)!

      FINAL SCORE: Girl 2½ (½ for fish that got away in battle) Guys 0

      Oops, forgot to mention. For those who like fishing, do give this fishing pond a try. I am sure you will enjoy it.
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
      Comments on this review:
      1. topaz
        topaz said:
        w.e.f 01.03.2009 fishing will be divided into 2 session. Day fishing is 7am-7pm and Night is 7pm-7am. S$35 per session.
        14 Feb 2009 at 12:39 pm
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         30 Jun 2007 at 10:53 am
      Category: Coffee Shops
      “Bak-Pa” or pork chop curry rice stall located at the heart of Beo Crescent or “Or Kio Tau” is really mouth-watering. The stall has been operating there for the past few decades. You need not worry about parking space as there are a few multi-storey car parks in the surrounding area. If you prefer to take the mrt, you have to alight at Tiong Bahru station.

      The pork chop, fried to perfection is very crispy on the outside, juicy and tender on the inside, unlike others, so soft and lumpy. When you order a plate of rice top with pork chop and mixed curry vegetables, the combination is just heavenly. It only cost a lowly $2.20. It makes you wanting to keep coming back for more as the tastes lingers on.

      Whenever we craved for it, we would always plead with our colleague, who stays in that district to pack for us. Oops! I’ve just leaked out a well kept secret! My colleague will certainly kill me if he’s made to join a longer queue from now on. Oh no, what have I done?

      You will be surprised that even though my colleague bought the food in the morning, it tastes just as good when we have it for lunch! It’s really yummy! If you don’t try, you don’t know what you are missing.

      The stall operates only in the morning till mid afternoon between 2-3 pm. It usually draws a very large crowd during lunch time. So, try to be there slightly earlier. They do not operate in the evening. So, do remember not to go there after work.
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of
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           29 Jun 2007 at 2:53 pm
        Category: Coffee Shops
        A friend told me that Kwang’s Aquarium (formerly at Crane Rd) which specializes in fresh water and marine fishes have relocated to 71 Joo Chiat Place. We decided to look for it. We met up at Eunos Mrt station on Tuesday night and casually strolled towards Joo Chiat.

        Along the way, we asked several strangers whether they were aware of any aquarium shop in this neighbourhood. Some pointed towards the east, while the others west. We found ourselves going back and forth along this stretch of road a few times. We’re just like ants without heads-totally lost!

        Just then, a kind-hearted old lady directed us towards this orange building off Mangis road. “If I’m not mistaken, I think it is right at the end of that building” she said confidently. After thanking her, we hurriedly set out towards it. We were perspiring profusely when we reached our destination. To our horror, it’s not an aquarium shop! It looks like a hardware shop with a Feng-Shui fish tank, with some parrot fishes swimming sluggishly inside. If you think that we will definitely curse and swear at that moment, I’m sorry to disappoint you. We did not! In fact, we squatted there laughing amongst ourselves. It was so comical. What a day!

        Feeling exhausted and hungry, we decided that the first stall we chance upon, we will patronize from them. Our aching limps carried us to this coffee shop where there is a wanton noodle stall.

        We immediately ordered 3 bowls of dry wanton noodles ($2.50 per bowl). They served the noodle in a porcelain bowl instead of a plate. The hand-made noodle (secret recipe) tastes very different, slightly harder and crisper, unlike others so soft. The wanton skin is smooth; its meat is tasty and juicy. It virtually melts in your mouth! The char-siew and chilli sauce also compliments well with the noodle. It’s so..oo... delicious!

        Thereafter, we realized that every table there had an article imprinted, “Hand-made 3 generations” by Frederick Lim on this Yam Kei Fei Fei wanton noodle stall. It was dated back in 18th February 1993.

        Although we were unable to accomplish our objective, at least we ran into this lip-smacking stall. It was truly a blessing in disguised!

        And if you’re wondering how to get there by bus, SBS Transit service no. 33 is the only bus that plies along this stretch of road.
        Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
        Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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             29 Jun 2007 at 9:16 am
          Category: Jewelry
          The urge to look at diamonds is strong especially when you walk pass any jewellery shop. Who could resist their sparkle? You’ll be mesmerized. As we were striding pass Tianpo Jewellery at Causeway Point, we just cannot ignore their collection of “Hearts On Fire - The World’s Most Perfectly Cut Diamond,” on display. It takes your breath away! Unfortunately, we have budget constraint. While we look-see-look-see, my friend spotted a well-designed aquamarine ring. She just couldn’t resist the temptation anymore. Straight away, we hopped into the shop.

          A well-mannered and courteous sales staff, Christine, immediately attended to us. We were glad that she is not the aggressive type of sales person. She patiently shows us some of the aquamarine collection. After some consideration, my friend chose a ring (S$150 after discount). As this is the period of GSS, the ring comes with a 40% + 10% discount. This means that DBS/POSB card members can enjoy the additional 10% off. After settling the payment, she gently escorted us to the exit. It makes us feel important. To be honest, we feel “Shiok”!!!

          We had a mahjong session later that evening with some of our friends. She is always the biggest loser in the game, but on that particular night, she managed to beat the 3 of us. Talk about superstitious. Hmmm……..

          Did the ring bring her luck? I really don’t have the answer. But I am definitely going to get my very own gemstone. ;-)
          Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
          Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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