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hedy tan's Latest Review
 23 Feb 2008 at 10:07 pm

My family and I were at the restaurant on 16 Feb

We sat at the balcony - the view was fantastic!!

We had the set meal of seafood spaghetti

The food was good and was value for money

But one disappointment was the waiter who served us was not trained.

When asked what was the dessert of the day was . His reply was "some random cakes"

We were quite wishful and asked "you mean we can choose whatever in the cake rack?"

He was quite stunned and decided to check with his senior

He came back with a reply that it was strawberry cheesecake

We would expect the restaurant manager or supervisor to brief the staff before business for the day commences

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On the review for The Mussel Guys Restaurant (VivoCity)
  1. claud
    claud said:
    Agree with you on this. Waiter not knowing their pdt well is quite common these days. I got same experience at few places already. It doesn't reflect well for the business.
    23 Feb 2008 at 10:26 pm

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