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Christa's Reviews

    6. The Joyous Vet   
       05 Oct 2007 at 9:07 am
    Category: Veterinarians
    Dr Grace Heng is a very patient and sincere vet. She would not rush you off to see the next customer like some other vets. She will spend time understanding the pet's condition and diagnose the problem in detail and not jump into conclusions.

    Dr Heng managed to diagnose and pick out the main problem of my dog. She did a skin scrap test at the correct spot and found mange. Whereas the previous vet did not manage to find anything with a skin scrap test.

    The receptionists are always friendly and polite too. Every new patient will get a colour photo ID card. Very cute! Like an IC for them. And also, they will give u a file your consultation details. I like it the way they break down the consultation charge, services and the medication name they give! The only down side was.. the vet cleaned my dog's ear, and it was charged as a ear cleaning fee!

    Although waiting times are long, especially when you missed your appt, try to be early! Else just walk in and be prepared to wait like 1 hr, for a thorough and detailed diagnosis.
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
    Comments on this review:
    1. Bobo
      Bobo said:
      Whoa... thanks for this review. I was thinking of bringing my bunny there to be spayed.. :)
      05 Oct 2007 at 10:46 am
    2. barffie
      barffie said:
      Yeap they are very professional. Been going to them for quite some time. Their rates are also reasonable.
      31 Dec 2007 at 12:54 pm
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       04 Oct 2007 at 3:40 pm
    Category: Karaoke
    Had my Primary school Class gathering here on a Friday Night.

    Even though we booked a room for 10, they gave us a room of like 4-5? Cos initially 5 ppl went in first... So as the mins pass, more ppl turned up and we find it sooooo squeezy. So we asked the server to change our room. They say all the rooms are full ....... Have to wait till 1am before they can give us a bigger room

    I was one of the ppl who were late. And i went to the 8th floor and asked for room 78. THe server brought me around the maze and FLUNG the door open. I stepped in, and stunned. I thought my Pri Sch frens had change so much! And their parents were also around?? Duh.... WRONG ROOM! BUT i know its room 78! Then the server flung open ANOTHER ROOM 78 *faintz* So many room 78? make me so paiseh!

    THe room is squeezy... THe mics are corded, not wireless as what POlar Bear had said. Well, nvm, as long the mic is working. Maybe my room is small.

    When 11pm came, they really came to offer us a bigger room, but some ppl had left already. So we remained as we were.

    Well, we thought we can have the room till the KBOX closes, but who knows, at 1.30am they stopped our songs already!!! We haben had enough singing! I thought they only closes at 3-4am?

    But overall, Servers are quite attentive and prompt to ask for order and clear the table though.
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of
    Comments on this review:
    1. Polarbear
      Polarbear said:
      Hee... Abt the wireless mic, maybe only at certain rooms. Hee...
      11 Dec 2007 at 8:42 am
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       04 Oct 2007 at 3:24 pm
    Category: French
       Tradition Duck   RIbeye Steak   Chocolate Fondant   Apple Tart
    Took Advantage of the UOB 1-1 deal and booked ourselves a table almost a mth in advance!

    When the day finally came, and we reached, the waitress asked for our name, and is able to recall who is on the reserved list today without checking any records! There is an outdoor dining area, a indoor pub and the 2nd floor has an indoor dining area too. Not so sure about the 3rd floor!

    We had the set dinner, which is of 5 course, $65. We had an appettiser, a main, and a dessert. Ummm... and i thought its only 3 course, maybe the drinks counted too? Cos we had a perrier and coffee/tea.

    While waiting for our food, we were served very nice mini french loafs. Or maybe you will call them jiam tao roti. They are delightfully crispy and hot! Their butter is also nice, with a milk after taste. Its not those packaged butter! I think while waiting for our meals, we had 3 servings of the nice bread=P

    We ordered Escargot, duck salad and added on Goose liver! How can you not have them at a French Restaurant?

    Escargot is nice, not soaked in olive oil like wat i had in Jack's place. The duck salad is not so bad. Goose Liver is delightful! Thick and creamy, just nice. THeir slices of apples are also very nice to go with.

    Our mains - Ribeye steak And Traditional Duck.

    The ribeye is just nice as a medium rare. Perfectly cooked. But i find the cut rather too thin. Would do better if its thicker and juicier!

    My Duck.. oh mine, it doesn't taste like any duck you have at home or at coffee shop. I took my first bite , and the skin or rather Fats? melted in my mouth! Woooo! Melt in you mouth duck! The duck meat is rather salty after many many bites. You gotta eat with its skin/fats and the mashed potato to have a good blend.

    Dessert is gorgeous... We had apple tart? and Choco Fondant. Nice! The chocolate is thick and slightly bitter and yet sweet! My Fave... THe apple is nice too... with a thin light crust. They all came with a scoop of ice cream...

    Overall, being my first french food, I say its good! Thumbs Up! Quite different from normal western! But i find that not alot of ppl frequent. I think for that Sunday night, only 3 tables of guests! >.
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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      9. 603 Tau Sar Piah   
         30 Aug 2007 at 2:03 am
      Category: Bakeries
      Got a box of tau sar piahsssssss from Yebber and 603 Boss today =)

      Since i do not have the durian tau sar piah in my box of freebies, i bought a small pack of it to treat my passengers on board my car.

      First take on the Durian one... Light durian flavour, not too sweet. The skin is firm and not overly dry. And not extremely flaky to drop all over. Well, eating this reminds me of the durian flavoured mooncake fillings! Taste abit like that, and I can smell the durian smell in my car lingering around!

      Then around 8 hrs after collecting the tau sar piah then i tried the rest. Opps...

      The BBQ Char Siew Bun is not bad. The crust and fillings are not too sweet. The meat is not too bad. But i find that the sauce is not enough. Or maybe its the time lapse? I am not sure!

      Green tea Piah got a very mild smell, but a strong taste of green tea when you chew the fillings. Just nice, not too sweet but the taste is very strong. should be a hit with green tea lovers!

      The normal salty Tau Sar Piah is not that salty, but taste sweet also.

      Chicken Pie has a nice proportion of fillings vs crust. When you bite into it, you taste most of the fillings and some crust. Not too dry since the proportion is just right. Chicken is tender and not too tough. Not bad..

      Yam Piah. Not very much to my liking, as i find it too sweet. The sugar seemed to overpower the yam taste.

      Red bean paste piah. Not too sweet, smooth paste. but the crust althought not chao tar.. but got the very strong "burnt" taste the kind of overpowered the red bean flavour.

      Black Sesame
      . Maybe i tasted too many at one go. Only tasted the nice crust and a mild sesame aftertaste.

      Pineapple Sweet with some burst of pineapple bits like the pineapple tarts during cny. Quite special to taste such a combination that you would want to try another bite!

      Okie, overall rating, I find that the crust is good, not too flakey and quite firm to hold. Sellers are also very friendly with smiles all the time.
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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           30 Jul 2007 at 12:51 am
        Category: German
        Having read something somewhere that the german sausage platter for 2 was good, i spent my 2nd anniversary at Brotzeit.

        The menu was slightly confusing to me, since most the words are in german, with only a line of english. Have to read for quite sometime before you understand what they are offering.

        Ordered a beer well, i forgot what beer, but it is on their first page of the menu. Plain beer? Ummm... I am not a beer person, but I LIKE THEIR BEER! It tasted so nice, that i could not stop drinking and i swear i will be back for the beer!

        Ordered the Sausage platter for 2, and there is like 5 different kinds of sausage on the platter. I think we had chicken, lamb, ermm.. and i couldn't remember what other kinds of meat. They tasted kinda oily to my liking, but i love the mustards! They have 3 different kinds of mustard, and they all tasted very mild and pleasant to the tongue!

        According to the menu and the table beside us, they have quite alot of german sausages on their menu, they even have goose liver sausage! But we didn't get to try it. But the normal sausage main portion was kinda small for the price. Just a miserable 2 or maybe 3 small sausages on your plate! I think the platters for 2 are much more worth the money!

        After our hearty meal of sausages, i felt abit sick of sausages, and my partner complained that although the meal was filling, but eating sausages only doesn't equate to a MEAL in his dictionary. My man needed some MEAT, real meat i guess.
        And off we go for our 2nd round of dinner!

        Service is good, the menu was sent promptly to us, and the server introduced our sausages to us. But the cooking time was abit too long for sausages.

        I would recommmend this restaurant for their beers only! Beer is good! 3 stars for just the beer! The sausages was soso, the other items on the menu i haven't go the chance to try, hope that more reviews will come!
        Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
        Rating given:Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of
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