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Christa's Reviews

       30 Jul 2007 at 12:24 am
    Category: American
    Outlet visited: AMK

    Ordering and waiting times:

    When the outlet was first opened in AMK, the crowd was still ok, you order at the counter and the food was served within like 15mins or so.

    Now, after much media exposure, the waiting time had be streeetccccch to 45 mins or more. And that doesn't include the QUEUEING time to place the order. I would say maybe 20 mins or so to queue to order? So you gotta prepare at least 1 hour to wait. Dun go with a growling stomach!


    I never fail to order the steaks there. Ribeye is good! Cajun chicken was the must order for my friend. Fries are usually very generously given. Portion of the food was big, as compared to normal coffeeshop/ market portions.

    Food served are usually piping hot, but there was once, they sorta waited for all our orders to be ready then served, and one of our main was cold already =( but overall still good.


    Service is very good, staffs are very polite!


    Considered expensive for coffeeshop. But portion similar to cafes, and i think the price is considered medium range. Can comfortably feed 2 person for less than $30.

    4 stars for the service and food!
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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      12. Chapter 2   
         20 Jul 2007 at 1:39 pm
      Category: Hair Salons
      Chapter 2 has a concept which is very different from other hair salons.

      Firstly, they have lockers for you to place your bags in! You do not have to worry that your stuffs might get missing when you have to move upstairs for your hair services!

      They have categorised their stylists into 3 different categories, which means you can choose 3 different stylist to do your cutting, colouring, perming/rebonding! And all these takes place at different levels!

      I went for a trim for my permed hair recently and was served by Celeste. very friendly and chirpy lady! She spent a longer time styling my hair than cutting, and my hair looks like just permed even though its only a trim!

      I will try the chemical services next time!
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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           20 Jul 2007 at 1:22 pm
        Category: Seafood
        After picking up my friend from the airport, the group of 8 of us were practically starving and running around the Airport for food.

        Fish N Co Caught our eye and tummies the moment we saw the outlet. Very nicely renovated! But since it is near Dinner time, there is a long queue, or should i say alot of scattered food patrons waiting for their turn outside.

        After a short discussion, we decided to let our taste buds make the decision instead of our growling tummies. Everyone's yearning for the seafood platter!

        We were told that it was a 1 hour wait. And fair enough, everyone was waiting and everywhere has long queues. So we parked ourselfs at the railings and waited.

        After like 30 mins of waiting, we see a family of 4 just arrived, creating a scene at the reception. The tai tai demanded for a seat first, as her kids are hungry. Well, there is like almost 20 hungry patrons standing outside staring at them. Who's hungrier? And what's more, her kids are all grown up teenagers!

        The poor girl at the counter was patiently telling them to wait and join the queue. And she pointed to all of us, and even showed them the waiting list of names. I think she did a good job, trying to be fair. But the family die also stand there and there is a forming queue of new customers arriving to be placed on waiting list, mostly of tourists.

        Seeing that raising her voice at the poor counter girl did not help much, the typical singapore tai tai or should i say aunty? resorted to calling for the manager. And guess what the manager do? He let them have the next available table!!!! And you see the aunty smiling proudly back to her son and daughter, and the children grinning back. The husband looked pleased with his wife too. I think if my mum acted like this, i would rather starve!! throw face !!

        That created quite a stir since and everyone saw what happened, including tourists. And everyone started to approach the staffs and enquire about their waiting time.

        I went up to them to check how much longer do i have to wait too, and was tapped on my shoulder by a foreigner that i should join their queue to be placed on the waiting list. =.=" My name was already on the list 1 hr ago, hello...

        When we finally got in the restaurant to our seats. Everyone shot murderous stares at the family, who were almost finished with their food.

        On the other note, Servers were friendly and chirpy, and food was served rather fast when everyone proclaimed that we are soooooo hungry. Food tasted exceptionally good, since we are all starving. So i think it would not be fair for me to judge the food in this review.

        Service by staffs : Excellent
        Service by Manager: Below Average!!!!

        The manager should have guts to reject that family for the next table. Because he ended up offending the rest of the waiting list.

        But well, for the food, maybe i will patronise them again, when the queue is not so long!
        Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
        Rating given:Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of
        Comments on this review:
        1. iYeb
          iYeb said:
          That's so unfair! If everyone behaves like the family, than how? Set up extra tables outside? I would have walked away or confronted the manager!
          06 Sep 2007 at 9:21 am
        2. Christy
          Christy said:
          yup. I would confront the manager too. But I realised that most managers would just accomodate the customers to stifle any problem. Oh well.
          29 Dec 2007 at 8:49 pm
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