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candice's Reviews

       23 Oct 2009 at 10:52 am
    Category: Fusion, Steakhouses
    This steakhouse is one of the most underrated gems of Serangoon Gardens. It's been there for as long as I remember, since I first moved into the area when I was about 11.

    In truth, I haven't been to Borshch in years. With so much good food along Serangoon Gardens, this little Steakhouse with almost opaque black windows tends to get overlooked.

    Once you step in, you'd find that it looks like a typical old school Hong Kong cafe. Decor and ambience isn't much to talk about, but it's the food I'm here for.

    So how does a $13.80 Set Dinner sound? Pretty affordable? Well here's what they served:

    Caviar with Egg
    Nothing much to rave about. A little blob of caviar on a nicely carved egg, served with salad.

    Borsch Soup
    My very first memory of this place is its borsch soup - it's hard to describe, hard to explain. Definitely not fresh out of a can, try it for yourself to know what I mean.

    Sirloin Steak
    Served with fries and long beans on a hot plate, the slice of steak is small (hey, remember you're not paying much) but potent. Sizzling with a slab of butter of top, it's a cheap little slice of heaven. The mixture of butter and steak melts so well in your mouth.

    Fancy Pancake
    A small crepe-like sweet pancake topped with whipped cream, a little slice of cherry and peach, with a banana wedged in between. Perfect sweet dessert to a savoury meal!

    Hot Tea
    Tastes like Lipton tea. I don't know about you, but there's something very satisfying about sipping hot tea after a nice full meal.

    I suppose with its Executive, Supreme and normal set dinners, it really is quite value for money to dine at Borshch. You should try it out for yourself - just manage your expectations and don't expect too much just because it's a restaurant. Think of it as a air-conditioned coffee shop and you'll realise that the food there is really a steal.

    If you're curious about its exact location, it sits along the same row as the Guardian pharmacy and Sushi Tei, if I'm not wrong. It's at the car park opposite the bus stop, actually. It's pretty nondescript so you've got to keep an eye out.
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    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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         20 Oct 2009 at 3:26 pm
      This zi char stall has many outlets - I'm not sure about the others, but short of having a gun pointed to your head, I suggest you give this one a wide berth.

      You may have heard of this zi char stall - it has been featured on some TV shows. That's how my mom came across it, and that's how we ended up patronizing this stall on a Monday night. Now hear my tale of extremely bad customer service from a business who doesn't believe that pissing off customers is bad for business.

      We ordered the dishes featured on TV - some sort of stir-fried, long bean lookalike served with pork floss, flat roasted chicken, milk powdered crayfish and some other form of fish.

      Let me mention up front that those dishes were average at best, the chicken was tough and not the least bit juicy, while the long bean lookalike was just mediocre. The milk powdered crayfish does deserve special mention, banking purely on its novelty rather than taste. I like the combination, but I have an inkling that other zi char stalls might fare better if they took a shot at this dish.

      What about the fish, you say? Well, it never did arrive. We almost finished the three aforementioned dishes and the fish still wasn't here. This was half an hour after they served the first dish. So, we asked one waitress where our fish was, and she never got back to us. We asked a second one, and she never got back either.

      The third time round, my dad went to the counter to ask about the fish again, but was told that it was "coming soon". After waiting another 10 minutes, we decided to cancel the order of the fish since there was no point waiting. Do note - no apologies were offered.

      At this point, I was still trying to finish my milk powder crayfish when the waitress promptly brought the bill to our table. Now I was pissed. I told her that we have not called for the bill yet, and just because we canceled our order of fish, were they afraid that we were going to run away without paying?

      Still no apologies from any of them. This was absolutely ridiculous, it was absurd to treat customers this way. We weren't even being difficult when we asked for our fish, we were just, clearly, tired of waiting.

      With incredulously rude staff & sub par food standards, I don't believe I'll ever step anywhere near this stall ever again and I suggest you don't either.
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 1 out of Rating: 1 out of Rating: 1 out of Rating: 1 out of Rating: 1 out of
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           16 Oct 2009 at 2:27 pm
        Category: Japanese
        Ok a little trivia for you buffet addicts... Did you know... This is one of the few branches of Sakae Sushi that offers weekday buffet dinner?

        Now before you condemn me, let me tell you that this outlet's food is actually decent. I know that Sakae Sushi has a bad reputation with foodies, but it's really quite okay. Palatable, at least. And much better than the one at Raffles Place, which also offers weekday dinner buffets.

        So if you're someone with easy-to-please taste buds, you should try it out.

        Gotta warn you that the service isn't much to speak of, and do not, I repeat, DO NOT under the pain of death order the Maguro. I have never been so repulsed by sashimi before. Instead of being a deep red, it was a dull brown and tasted days old.

        The salmon is okay though, go ahead and stuff your faces with the rest of the buffet menu, it's pretty safe.

        If you do intend to head there in a group, make a reservation in advance, seats are limited (:
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        Rating given:Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of
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             13 Oct 2009 at 10:56 am
          Category: Indian
          Definitely my favourite, favourite, FAVOURITE prata place of all time.

          Casuarina Curry and RK Eating House do make it into my charts, but sorry, the top spot still belongs to THE Roti Prata House.

          Their crispy prata is legendary. Crispy but not too oily and served with chicken curry, it has long been the subject of many of my late night cravings.

          My love affair with The Roti Prata House began when I was just a young girl of five. My parents would bring us here every Sunday for breakfast, and boy was it good. We always had several crispy pratas and the formidable mutton curry.

          Many many years later, since evolving from an early bird to a night owl, The Roti Prata House is ideal for supper any time of the night since it opens 24/7. Their maggi goreng packs a punch, paper prata is awesome, plaster prata is good too, and their milo & horlicks dinosaur is definitely diabetes-inducing.

          A great place for sinful indulgence (:

          New drivers beware - parallel parking only ;)
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          Rating given:Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of
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               08 Oct 2009 at 2:49 pm
            Category: Fishing
            Prawning, prawning. What an experience! It's nothing like fishing I must say.

            It's extremely commercialized for one, but for some strange reason extremely addictive. I found myself going back to that place two nights in a row.

            There are a few ponds there, but I like going to the one down the back alley and stairs because the barbecue pits are right next to the ponds.

            So here's how it works - you pick a rod, check the number on it, go to the counter and pay for the number of hours you want to rent it.

            1 hour - $15
            2 hours - $25
            3 hours - $30

            It's definitely more economical to get the 3 hour package, because seriously, how many prawns can you catch in a hour? I took one hour on my first visit, and ended up with four prawns. It was embarrassing to say the least.

            Okay, once you've gotten your rods, get the bait (chicken heart I think?) from the counter, find an auspicious spot, pull a chair and sit and wait.

            Read my full and comprehensive prawning guide here.

            Don't worry about there being not enough prawns in the ponds - they release live prawns into each pond every hour.

            If you've got time and cash to spare, you definitely have to try this out. It's a bit pricey but worth the experience (:

            It's open 24 hours and shares the same car park as the driving range next to Bishan Park, so it's quite hard to miss this place!
            Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
            Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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