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Polarbear's Reviews

    61. SBS Transit   
       19 Oct 2007 at 10:51 am
    Category: Transportation
    Since I dun own a car, public transport to me is very important. Ever since they keep increasing their fare every year, my expectation for them is also getting higher and higher.

    Since around my work place, I have to take SBS bus to work every weekeday. I ahve to say that I am quite happy with the bus conditions. However they can work on the bus frequencies, like the bus supposed to come in every 5 mins during peak hours but then one bus decided to come earlier, and the bus will be pretty empty. Then the next bus that came on time, will be damned packed as the waiting time for the bus is longer.

    I do find sometimes the bus a bit dirty as well but then if everyone of us take good care of it, I think the bus will be cleaner and no need to wait for the cleaners to clean the buses.

    I am quite happy with the IRIS service as now I will always use it to find out how long does it take the next bus to arrive to the bus stop. I does cut down my waiting time as well. However the sms service only limited to Singtel users oly so I cannot use it.

    Only 1 request, stop asking to increase fare every year and buck up on the frequency and condition of the buses.
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of
    Comments on this review:
    1. genesis
      genesis said:
      Agree on the bus being dirty part. Breeding ground of germs and bacteria. Sweat on handles, seat, mucus on rails. Really unhygenic.
      19 Oct 2007 at 8:25 pm
    2. zihui
      zihui said:
      I hate this waiting time thing too. It's really bad especially when they don't increase the frequency during peak period like 5-8pm or before and after school hours.
      20 Oct 2007 at 10:31 pm
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    62. Starhub MaxOnline   
       19 Oct 2007 at 10:37 am
    Category: IT and Computers
    I have been a Hubber for sometime now and I am happy to say that I made the right choice to sign up with them.

    MaxOnline for me is really good and cheap. They had been giving us more bandwidth from time to time as well. I seldom had any problem with connection.

    I hooked it up to a wireless router so that I can use my laptop anywhere in my flat and it proved to be good. I mainly use it for work and school wise and dun really play online games with it. So to me the speed is really more then enough.

    Being a Hubber I got 10% discount some more. So I really find it a good deal!
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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      63. Night Safari   
         18 Oct 2007 at 9:45 am
      Been to Night Safari last month as a surprise for someone special and at the same time Starhub is having a promotion as well. It has been a long time since I had been there as well.

      So took 138 from AMK interchange to reach there, fast and easy. Direct to the gate of Night Safari.

      Once we reach there, we head for the ticketing counter and it was a breeze to buy tickets from the efficient and friendly staff.

      Even before we step into Night Safrai, there is already a tribal show going on in front of the main entrance gate. They were there literaly playing with fire. Attracted a lot of crowd to stand and see them. They perform 3 times a night and definitely do their best to warm up the crowd before entering Night Safrai.

      There is a few options to go when we are in Night Safrai. Me being a planner, decided that we took the tram ride 1st. The tram ride is basically an hour ride around the park, some of the places in Night Safrai is only accessible by the tram only. The presenters on the tram are really good as they correctly managed to remember almost everything in the park and even the names of the animals as well. The ride was fun except for some people that keep letting go of their flashes despite numerous reminders.

      We dropped off at the half way point @ Lepord Trail. Took abt 25 mins to complete and managed to see most of the cats in action (ie moving.) Then took the tram for the 2nd half of the ride. This time round, was brought through a tropical rainforest.

      After reaching the starting point, we headed towards to join the queue for the animal show, Creatures of the Night. Be warned that you better be there 30 mins beore the show starts as the queue is pretty long. A lot of kaisu peopl there already started queueing an hour before the show starts.

      The show was good as all the presenters are very professional and all their animals are well trained as well. OUr show dragged a bit of time as an owl did not cooperate and decided to not to fly down so it took a bit of time to coax him to fly down. It is a must watch show in Night Safari.

      After which, we contiune to walk on the remaining two trails, the Forest Giant trail and walk through a suspension bridge and the Fishing cat trail. Each also can be completed within 25 mins as well.

      We ended the whole trip ard midnight and still managed to take 138 back to AMK interchange.

      It is definitely one of the best attraction in Singapore. Worth to go and check it out.
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of
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           17 Oct 2007 at 3:30 pm
        Category: Cinemas
        Been there to watch Mr Woodcock over the weekend. Although the cinema is very near my house but then I seldom go there to watch movie unless I am with my sis or I am too lazy to go to town to watch movie.

        One thing good about watching movie there, the tickets are cheaper by 50 cents compared to other cinemas.

        There is also 8 cinema halls there so it offers a great variety of movies as well.

        It used to have a very reception area, however after renovation, the ticketing office becomes very small and got to walk a long walkway before you can reach the ticketing office as the rest of the space is taken up by a food court.

        The ticketing office is the saem as other cathay where you can get your tivkets and tibits at the same time. So might have to wait a little longer in the queue.

        The seating in the cinema hall is quite spaced out but on the rather flat slope. However this does not mean that the person in front of you would be able to block you as the screen in placed higher than usual, compared to other cinemas. So when watching the movie, you might find yourself tilting your head slightly higher.

        The air con is rather cold same as other cathay cinemas, so prepare yourself with a jacket if you are scare of cold.

        Overall it is considered, to me, one of the better cinemas in the north region.
        Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
        Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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             16 Oct 2007 at 1:57 pm
          Category: Cinemas
          Went to Cathay AMK to watch Balls of Fury last weekend.

          Well have to say that the standard of the cinema is as good as the rest of the cathay cinemas.

          I like the large reception area where to buy tickets and popcorns. One thing bad though, there are no seats to sit on while waiting for the show to start unlike other Cathays.

          There are 8 cinema halls there so quite a number of shows showing there. Good.

          Service wise, GREAT! The people there are very friendly. From the one selling the tickets to the usher. Even when I was walking into the cinema hall, the guy manning the tibits section manged to say "Welcome! Enjoy your show" to everyone walking past him.

          The cinema seating is good and comfortable. The solpe is quite high so the guy in front of you can hardly block your view. They do not maximise the seast to the fron so even if you get 1st row seast, you will not get a neckache after the show.

          The sound system is up to par as it is new and uses the best sound system.

          So overall it is a good place to watch show in the north now other than Junction 8 and Causeway Point.
          Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
          Rating given:Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of
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