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topaz's Reviews

    6. Sentosa   
       04 Aug 2008 at 11:43 pm
       Sentosa   2008_0728sentosasgpgardenfest0114a1.jpg   2008_0728sentosasgpgardenfest01081.JPG   yebbersentosa.jpg   2008_0728sentosasgpgardenfest01191.JPG
    Getting to Sentosa is fairly easy. You either choose to drive, take a bus at Habourfront terminal or hop on the Sentosa Express (S$3 for 2 way trip) at Vivo City level 3. If you are not afraid of height, perhaps you like to try the cable car ride from Mount Faber as gliding thru at high altitude gives you a panoramic view of the surrounding area. It’s a memorable experience!

    During the weekend, this place is flooded with lots of people - tourists and locals alike. Beach-goers and Sun-worshippers throng to the beaches and that’s only a small fraction of the happenings there. Lots of hot babes and hunky guys in their skimpy outfits were either sun tanning or frolicking on the beach. It’s really an eye-candy extravaganza! And, if you do not want to be seen as rude, a pair of sunglasses helps.

    Lining along the coast are several Beach Bars to help quench your thirst and rest your aching limps. But, for those who did not buy anything may be asked to leave their premises.

    Looking for food? You need not fret as there are many Food & Beverage outlets to whet all delicate taste buds. It all depends on how deep your pocket is.

    Trying to hitch a ride on the tram or the bus is somewhat challenging cause it’s always full. So you need to be patient, very patient especially with the sweltering heat for company. Argh…my patient ran out! No choice - I Walked.

    There are so many beautiful and interesting attractions like the Underwater World, Sentosa Luge & Ride, Dolphin Lagoon, Fort Siloso Tours, Butterfly Park & Insect Kingdom and The Merlion just to name some. The fees for some of the attractions are quite pricey to me and may somewhat put a dent on my wallet- especially for an average Joe like me. Ouch!

    Construction for the Resorts World at Sentosa is already gathering pace and will be completed in 2010. This is going to be Awesome!

    With so many more attractions coming- Eh...any Sponsors?
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
    Comments on this review:
    1. ladyironchef
      ladyironchef said:
      nice! yr reviews are very unique : )
      05 Aug 2008 at 8:20 am
    2. topaz
      topaz said:
      thank u ladyironchef. your reviews made us drool.
      05 Aug 2008 at 8:40 pm
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       29 Jul 2008 at 1:13 am
       2008_0728sentosasgpgardenfest0157.JPG   2008_0728sentosasgpgardenfest0161.JPG   2008_0728sentosasgpgardenfest0188.JPG   2008_0728sentosasgpgardenfest0194.JPG   2008_0728sentosasgpgardenfest0213.JPG
    Visited the Singapore Garden festival 2008 held at the Suntec Convention Centre today. This event starts from 25th July and will end on 1st August. At Level 6, we were enchanted by the various dazzling displays of floral and garden themes created by award-winning garden and floral designers from around the world.

    The Singapore Orchid Show is at level 4 and it is also held in conjunction with the festival too. Orchid lovers and hobbyist will surely be thrilled by the wonderful collection of new and brilliant species on display. Also, there are more than a hundred stalls selling souvenirs like T-shirts, orchids, exotic plants, pitcher plants, bags, books, etc.

    I strongly advised those who don’t take to the cold well to at least wear a sweater or a jacket as it get rather chilling at level 4. We had to leave early, as my wife can no longer take it. Such a pity, as we have not entirely combed the whole area.

    For the serious photographers, you need to be very patient in order to get a good shot, as many people will be happily snapping pictures and at the same time obscuring your view.

    So, happy snapping!

    Opening hours: 10am-10pm daily
    Tickets (weekday): S$6 for adult, S$3 Concession (child, student or senior citizen), S$18 for family (2 adults & 3 children).

    Getting There
    Nearest Mrt: City Hall
    Bus : 36, 97, 106, 111, 133, 501, 502, 518, 857, 700
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of
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         18 Jul 2008 at 9:00 pm
      Category: Electronics
      Whenever I mentioned there is sales at Audio House to friends and colleagues, the response from them were always identical. “Sales gimmick lah…bluff one lah,” echoed one another. It seems they could have encountered some bad experiences or just from mere hearsay. This is all part of the marketing strategies employed by a lot of companies to entice you to their shop. It’s very frustrating when the “hot buys” were always sold out even though you got there early.

      So when I saw an ad last week that a lot of electronic products being offered cheap, I decided to set off to Liang Court where the sales was held as I’ve never been to Audio House anyway. No doubt I’m going there with skepticism; however I’ve got nothing to lose. Besides, if it’s true, I will not hesitate to decant whatever grievances I have to (ha ha…my punching bag).

      I went straight to the camera section to ask for the Fujifilm FinePix S8000fd model digital camera as I have already done my homework. The price was a flat S$499 at all the retail shops that I have enquired. It includes a soft case, battery kit and a 2G SD card. However, over here, it cost me S$449 with extra goodies thrown in. I also got an additional 2G SD card for Fujifilm FinePix digital cameras purchased during GSS 23 May to 20 Jul 2008 claimable at Suntec City Fujifilm Digital Corner.

      So, gimmick or not. We just have to find out ourselves. After all, this place was not as bad as perceived. Well, No Venture No Gain!
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of
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        9. Radio 100.3   
           14 Jul 2008 at 11:28 pm
        It is arguably one of the best Chinese language radio stations in Singapore. It may not be the biggest, but it certainly packs a punch! Operating like a close knit family, the bond amongst the DJs is very strong. You can feel their sincerity and enthusiasm as they constantly strive to improve and improvise their programs. There are plenty of tips and information regarding parenting, wine, law, music, beauty, healthcare, cars, football, etc. to be pick-up here from professionals.

        Those who had listened in to their broadcast drama of “2530 的幸福” (2530 happiness) and “东京铁塔:老妈和我” (Tokyo Tower- Mother & I), would attest that these enthralling stories were extremely engaging and touching! It easily moved you to tears and also warmed many hearts. I will definitely be looking forward with much anticipation - to more of such stunning projects created by them. Drooling…

        Their leader, 文鸿 (Wen Hong), is rapid motor mouth with an attitude and intelligence. Forming a lethal partnership with him every Mon-Fri in the morning talk show at 6-10am is sassy 丽梅 (Li Mei). Is one of the wackiest and a bit “Pong” (plump) DJ, who recently transformed into a slim 美女 (pretty woman) with the help of Mary Chia – The Beauty and Slimming Specialist.

        At 10-2pm, the ever playful 坚文 (Jian Wen), with his unconventional style of presenting the show, partners 克敏 (Ke Min), a sweet, pretty and witty mama. They’ve got very good chemistry and thus able to concoct lots of hilarious antics and 冷笑话 (cold jokes) to “freeze” you. Hmm…

        Then at 2-4pm is 安娜 (Anna). She is a woman of substance - elegant and knowledgeable. You can also catch her discussing the topic Sex on Air - 安娜谈性, every Friday night from 7-8pm.

        From 4-8pm, you will have 2 boisterous DJs on board in the form of 灵芝 (Ling Zhi) and 小猪 (Xiao Zhu). The former is pragmatic and the latter is more of a happy-go-lucky type. Both are loveable and their laughter are really contagious. Lots of infotainment updates and daily news headline. 灵芝 is also called 神婆 (football goddess). This is where football “kang tao” (tips) is available. She is relatively accurate in her predictions.

        Accompanying you from 8 to midnight is Ken. Aka 大头 ken - given by his diehard fans. This lad is full of zest. Very talented and can compose songs too. He played a big part in producing a catchy Chinese version of the 圆圈 歌 (Circle) together with Project Superstar finalist 陈孟奇 (Hagen). Fans and DJs were involved in the recording of this song too. For off the wall English version of Circle, 坚文 (Jian Wen) is the man to look out for.

        On the 6th July, some of the DJ, i.e. 文鸿, 坚文, Ken, 彦志 (Yan Zhi) and 珂宁 (Ke Ning) who is a lady, had their hair shaven in support of the Children Cancer Foundation at Velocity @ Novena Square. Kudos to all of them!

        Do remember to tune in. No! Must tune in!

        1003 就是不一样!!!!!!
        Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
        Rating given:Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of
        Comments on this review:
        1. feizhu
          feizhu said:
          Wow I'm impressed.
          14 Jul 2008 at 11:33 pm
        2. Helmet
          Helmet said:
          I like the way you write, even the review is entertaining
          14 Jul 2008 at 11:38 pm
        3. topaz
          topaz said:
          Thanks! Do remember to tune. They thoroughly deserved it!
          14 Jul 2008 at 11:46 pm
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           30 May 2008 at 12:14 am
        We were just outside the Watson’s Personal Care Store when my wife decided to buy her usual face powder. It was supposed to be a grab and go affair. But, it took a little longer than usual. What happened was, when the cashier was about to scan her purchase, she immediately told my wife that there is a promotional value set which cost a lot lesser (U.P.$24.50 now $12.25). It even includes a limited edition special foundation case. The usual Za two-way foundation refill would have cost us $17.50. This makes good economical sense considering the inflation right now and the savings that we gained. As she was unable to leave her station, she asked one of her colleague to fetch it for us.
        The queue was already building up and my wife was feeling a little embarrassed. She offered to rejoin the queue but was assured that it was not necessary. Upon settling the payment, we left the store feeling impressed by their service toward customers and the effort rendered to us. It truly makes our day!

        As we made our exit towards the shopping mall, we felt that such good level of service should not go unnoticed. Not to the public and certainly not to their management. We decided to turn back to ask her for her name. And she is Nurulaini Bte Saiful Anwar.

        Keep up the good work!
        Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
        Rating given:Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of
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