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kormmandos's Reviews

       31 Mar 2008 at 10:45 pm
    Category: Uncategorized
    Bobo Bobo says:

    I LOVE YEBBER! heh heh

    Happy Birthday to Yebber! Whoohoo!

    I attended the Party held at the Mint on Friday and I loved it. I love the place, with all the quirky toys. It never fails to amaze me, this place.

    Richard, the curator, was also very nice to help us out although it was past the time for him to knock off. He even offered to take us up to the balcony to see another area they have for a gathering. It was open air and I can see the makings of a BBQ there!

    Anyways back to the party, lots of people were there, Yebbers and Pingsters and other bloggers... We were suitably entertained, though I have to agree with some that we needed a mic or a gong to get people's attention at least. :) The bingo game sure got lots of people's attention!!!

    Also the prizes were great though I din win any. But I'm sure many appreciated the prizes. :)

    The food also also pretty good though I'd prefer to have seats when I eat but it was alright too. I was too excited to eat wor. Nonetheless the people made sure we had all we need for the party to go on and I think that's one of the most important things when choosing a venue - having the support from the venue staff. :)

    Looking forward to the next one!!!

    Rating given:Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5

       30 Mar 2008 at 8:16 pm
    Category: Deli and Cafe
    claud claud says:

    Not as special as I thought

    Before J.Co arrives in this little small dot, I'd read bloggers from across the causeway sharing how good it is and how much they love it. So when I head they've set up their very first outlet at Raffles city, I was delighted! Off I went to try the infamous J.Co donuts.

    When I was there, the queue wasn't as long as I'd expected. Instead the competition nearby, Donut Factory, was having a longer queue than J.Co.

    I joined in the queue and started observing the staff behind the counter. They've in place an ordering system where each staff is incharge of some flavors within the hand-reach. And each customer is given a number for their order. The first staff will ask the quantity you want to buy and get the boxes ready. She's in charge of the first few flavors and will issue you a number when she passes you to the next staff who'll serve you for the rest of the flavors available. When you're done with your selection, you'll then proceed to the cashier where they'll tally your order and collect payment.

    This seem like a systematic and effective way for them. But its not so friendly to some of the customers. Especially if they're there for the first time and not sure of what flavors they want. I would recommend to decide on the flavors and quantity for each before you reach the first staff. This will surely speed up the ordering process.

    Hmm... looks like I've spent more time typing and explaining the process rather than talking about the donuts! Well, because, after tasting almost all the brands of donuts available in Singapore and also those from Krispy Kreme, I find the J.Co is just another brand of donuts. Nothing much to wow about. Other than some of the interesting looking ones with special names for some, there's just nothing much I would comment on. But because this is the only outlet here in Singapore, for now, I'm sure many will still queue to buy some just to get a taste of this sweet indulgence that is still getting the attention for the mass in Singapore.

    As for me, I'll be staying away from these fattening snacks for now. :)

    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

    83. Mint Museum Of Toys   
       30 Mar 2008 at 8:00 pm
    Category: Museum
    claud claud says:

    Lovely place with lovely food

    Together with a few Yebbers, we met at mint cafe for an informal gathering. The cafe is cosy and comfy. Located at the basement of mint museum, decorated to the theme of the museum. The cafe is filled with retro looking movie posters and toys. Even the cushion on the seats were printed with robot (if I'd not remembered wrongly). The cafe thou small, house quite a good variety of food.

    Some of us ordered their set lunch at $13.80 and some ordered the tea set at $7.80 .

    There's a few mains that one can choose for their set lunch. And the set comes with soup, main, dessert and drink. As for the tea sets, one can choose any cakes/desserts in the menu and any of the tea/coffee available.

    The soup served was nicely cooked and thick. For my set lunch, I ordered the Crispy Chicken Chop as my main. When it was served, I could smell the aroma coming from the generous piece of chicken. The main was served with mashed potato and side salad. One cut into the chicken and I knew I'm going to love it. Taking my first bite, I could taste the crispy crust and the meat inside was marinated and I love the taste. (Know when I'm writing this, I think this is the same chicken served at the night of Yebber's anniversary! No wonder it tasted familiarly delicious that night. Hot favorite by everyone.)

    The dessert served with my lunch set was a tad too sweet for my liking. Couldn't remember what is its name thou.

    On my other visit to the cafe, I ordered their tea set with Mississippi pie as the dessert. The chocolate mousse covering the layer of chocolate pie was not too sweet and complements the entire pie pretty well. I would recommend to enjoy the pie together with the whipped cream at the side. It's there for a reason. If you are not a whipped cream person, I recommend you try their other selections. Cos the pie gets a little "sick-to-eat" if eaten on its own.

    Will surely be going back for their lunch set if I've the chance to. The spaghetti in their lunch set selection looks nice too.

    After the event at mint, I would personally recommend anyone who's looking for a classy place to host your events at Mint museum. The staff are all very helpful and despite my long-winded conversation and constant reminders, the lady planning the event with me is always friendly and helpful. Thanks Mandy for the wonderful coordination and effort! As for the food, I'm sure many whom attended will agree with me that its good. Right?

    Rating given:Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5

    84. Tv Mobile   
       23 Mar 2008 at 10:05 am
    Bobo Bobo says:

    I remember when TV Mobile first started, I was very disturbed. It was not properly set up and the whole system wasn't stable yet. I don't usually sleep on the bus but I find having some quiet time useful so it isn't really a boon.

    At some places, TV mobile will tend to lag and freeze at certain scenes. Occasionally it would leave the actors/actresses in an ugly pose which will send me giggling. People probably think I'm weird then.

    Now I think they've lowered the volume and ask people to tune in from the radio station if they wish to hear. But It's kinda like bring your own entertainment isn't it? I think it really defeats its purpose at times. Also very few people carry portable radios these days.

    Nonetheless I always enjoy it when the Gags show up. That's my favourite. And I think lots of people enjoy watching it as it usually sends many people into peals of laughter.

    TV mobile has a long way to go... meanwhile.. it's back to good ol' MP3.

    Rating given:Rating: 2 out of 5Rating: 2 out of 5Rating: 2 out of 5Rating: 2 out of 5Rating: 2 out of 5

       23 Mar 2008 at 12:10 am
    Bobo Bobo says:

    Hua Xia Tai Mao Bi is a little shop in KK hospital which makes chinese brushes from children's hair. Newborns between 3 to 15 mths are brought to the shop to have their hair shaved off and made into chinese brushes for keeps.

    I went with my friend's newborn that day and the lady patiently explained the process and let my friend choose the brush she wanted. They had quite a wide range,from fine ones to thicker ones. There were some with more intricate designs and others with simple paintings on them. The cheapest brush was $49 and the most expensive was $500 , I think.

    Well the lady was quite gentle with my friend's 3 month old boy while shaving his head. He didn't cry at all and even fell asleep. He had plenty of hair so my friend chose 2 brushes.

    The lady kept the enough to make the 2 brushes and returned my friend the rest. They had to go back 1 month later to collect the brushes. I was wondering to myself... how one would know whose hair was on the brush they made. Just purely based on trust I suppose.

    Well the brushes DO NOT come in boxes and you have to purchase boxes too... which are slightly over $100...

    The total for 2 brushes and a boxes to put both brushes in was $600.. which is a hefty sum I must say... I seriously don't think I would be spending this sort of money.

    But I would have to give the lady credit for being so patient and providing such good service. Apparently Zoe Tay had her brushes done there too!

    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

    86. Wala Wala Cafe Bar   
       22 Mar 2008 at 11:38 pm
    Category: Bars and Pubs
    Bobo Bobo says:

    I've been here a few times and never wrote about it!

    The 2nd floor is a great place to just chill and enjoy the music but the drawback is that there aren't any seats and it's constantly crowded. Not to mention it's easier to get in if you just buy a bottle. Just to skip the long queue. Being there early means you get seats... and also get eyed by later patrons cos they really want your seat. My friend went in super early just to reserve seats for us. The drinks are ok, not too diluted and I guess reasonably priced for a bar. I enjoy the live music though I'm not really a fan of that genre.

    The ground floor is more for the soccer crowd and those who want to eat. Though it's quieter here but not quite the place for conversation either as it's quite cramped with people mostly.

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

    87. Beadyplace   
       20 Mar 2008 at 12:23 am
    claud claud says:

    This is sooo bad of me! I've known Beadyplace for so long and only today I went in to seriously take a look at the things she did!

    I must admit I'm not a fan of accessories. Those who know me will know that the only thing I wear daily are my rings on my fingers. :) But when I saw the accessories this bimbo created, I'm tempted! One of the necklace and a bracelet are very simple and pretty. *hint hint* HAHA!

    Love the simplicity of the designs. Personally I'd tried beading too, but my clumsy and fat fingers do not allow me to do it right. So i gave up.

    This bimbo is a very busy woman, so when she finds time to do her accessories, I'm sure she concentrates 100% and gives good quality stuff. Go check out her blogshop if you're shopping for some gifts for your gfs. :)

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

    88. Tommy Print   
       17 Mar 2008 at 12:27 am
    Category: Photo and Print
    claud claud says:

    Good service. But not so good product.

    I chanced upon this printer while shopping at Funan. (I rarely go there you see) The thing that attracted me was their photo book. I'd always wanted to make a professional looking book of photos. (almost similar to coffee table book you see at weddings)

    The pricing was pretty steep for the photo book, so I've yet tried getting one. But beside this product, they do namecard printing too. At just $24 for 2 boxes and $30 for 3 boxes, I thought it was quite a good deal (since the last time I printed cost me $35 for 3 boxes). So I went back another day to print my personal namecards.

    There were 2 ladies at the counter when I was there. One was quite friendly while the other was quite cold. There were a few people there wanting to get their stuff printed, and all were waiting for the friendly lady to serve them. The other cold one was busy doing her own things behind the counter.

    I was supposed to collect my namecard on a Monday as I sent it for print on Tuesday evening. (Usually they take 4 working days to print namecards) But as I had something on Friday, I called them up on Friday to check if my cards were ready. I was very happy to be able to get it earlier than expected.

    So I went to collect my cards on Friday, but didn't check the cards properly before I left. When I reached home, I realised that the cards were dirty! It looks like the blade used to cut the cards were not cleaned, and it left ugly and sticky marks on the sides of my cards. About half of the box was damaged. (Pls view photo attached with this review)

    Perhaps I'm just one of those unlucky customers who got dirtied namecards. Next time I must check all the cards before I leave the place.

    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

    89. Obolo (Joo Chiat)   
       13 Mar 2008 at 9:51 pm
    Category: Desserts
    Bobo Bobo says:

    lo and behold! The new kid on the block, Obolo opened along the popular Joo Chiat Road late 2007, serving up desserts and drinks. It has a small seating area with 3 tables for about 10 people.

    I liked the interior decor. Very modern and yet cosy like. They had pastry books for browsing on the coffee tables which was a nice touch. The well-taken pictures of their own cakes adorned the walls.

    I happily plonked myself down on the seemingly comfortable chair to discover that it was hard as stone. *ouch* The table was the same height as the chairs so you really have to bend over to have your cake.

    Noisette $6.90
    Dark chocolate mousse, caramelised toasted hazelnuts, crunchy praline feullitine, chocolate genoise enrobed in a shiny chocolate glaem
    I wanted to order this at first and regretted that I didn't. My companion did though and I had a taste of it. I like it pretty much. It was quite light and easy on the stomach despite looking so chocolatey but it is mousse you know. I could taste the chocolate nicely but it wasn't too rich. But it wasn't fantastic too.

    Guanaja Cheesecake $6.90
    Dark chocolate cheesecake, topped with a chocolate macaron
    This cheesecake was very thick. Not the light and fluffy sort I like. Don't be fooled by the colour, the cheesecake doesn't really taste of chocolate. Only the base is made of a tangy dark chocolate. The macaron on top is SUPER sweet, and this comes from someone with a sweet tooth. It was so sweet it made me cringe for a few seconds, having my companion guess what I was trying to say.

    I actually find the privilege programme a little tricky as you can only have the 10% discount if you spend more than $10. Doesn't sound so privileged after all isn't it? AND you have to spend $100 within a month to get these privileges..... mmm

    I would be back though. I was intrigued by the rest of the cakes. They did look very nice but I do hope they taste as good as they looked. They had tiramisu in glasses which I'm really tempted to try. Anyone?

    **photos up later**

    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

       13 Mar 2008 at 9:15 pm
    Category: Fashion
    Bobo Bobo says:

    Perfect Mum is a shop selling Maternity Wear in Suntec. It's located on the 3rd floor in the mum and kids' section between Toys 'r us and the cinema.

    I like the clothing in Perfect Mum. They are modern looking and not frumpy like what some of the shops sell. They also have a good range of clothing for the working mum and even evening wear which looks very presentable. All the clothing seemed very well designed to cater to the different stages of pregnancy.

    The only gripe I have is that they don't have much choices for the nursing mum. Those are quite limited and it's not as well-designed as some other tops I've seen at other shops.

    The staff here are all very polite and friendly. They are very knowledgeable and give very good advice. I do notice that the prices are slightly higher compared to other places but I still find them reasonable due to the quality and design.

    **I'm not a mum-to-be. Just a tag-along...**

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

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