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      » 3 Reviews for “Beadyplace ” - Shopping (Online)

    2. WishBoNe
       20 Mar 2008 at 4:55 pm

      I bought 2 earrings and loved them to bits! The reply is prompt since I caught Bobo online. The packaging is rather secure and neatly wrapped.

      The prices are pretty affordable and each item has their own names.

      The site is easy to navigate until you realised that all the earrings and necklaces are in their respective pages. Not that it's a bad thing but once there are more items for sale, the scrolling does get longer.

      Tags: 3  add tags
      Rating given:4 stars
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      Comments on this review:
      1. Bobo
        Bobo said:
        THANK YOU! :)
        20 Mar 2008 at 8:11 pm
      2. WishBoNe
        WishBoNe said:
        I hope you come up with more and I try to entice my friends to buy too :P
        21 Mar 2008 at 11:13 am
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    3. claud
       20 Mar 2008 at 12:23 am

      This is sooo bad of me! I've known Beadyplace for so long and only today I went in to seriously take a look at the things she did!

      I must admit I'm not a fan of accessories. Those who know me will know that the only thing I wear daily are my rings on my fingers. :) But when I saw the accessories this bimbo created, I'm tempted! One of the necklace and a bracelet are very simple and pretty. *hint hint* HAHA!

      Love the simplicity of the designs. Personally I'd tried beading too, but my clumsy and fat fingers do not allow me to do it right. So i gave up.

      This bimbo is a very busy woman, so when she finds time to do her accessories, I'm sure she concentrates 100% and gives good quality stuff. Go check out her blogshop if you're shopping for some gifts for your gfs. :)

      Tags: 3  add tags
      Rating given:4 stars
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      Comments on this review:
      1. Bobo
        Bobo said:
        Whee thank you le :)
        20 Mar 2008 at 8:10 pm
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    4. Bobo
       28 Jun 2007 at 10:34 pm

      Beadyplace is a a blogshop which has been around for more than a year. It's established a good clientele base with many regular customers purchasing from it on a frequent basis.

      It boasts a variety of accessories in various styles. In fact there are always some items in each update that are absolutely unique. Even I myself cannot remake them. (Yes I own this blogshop.)

      The price range is between $5 - $30, which is dirt-cheap for something unique and handmade. I provides personalised service such as remaking in a different colour or giftwrapping and providing cards.

      The only flaw would be that updates are so far apart...

      Tags: 3  add tags
      Rating given:4 stars
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