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ktatlarge's Latest Review
 24 Jun 2010 at 10:24 pm

I'll like to share my latest experience with Ikea. I'm going to be as factual as I can and leave it as information for those that's considering engaging ikea for their delivery assembly service.

We stay in a HDB flat and decided that more storage was needed quickly therefore Ikea.
Selected the Besta wall cabinet series and engaged the delivery installation service (subcontracted to a local logistics company PSC).
It costs 1/5th of the purchased item but I thought to save us the trouble, we'll go with it.

Made myself available on a Wednesday morning and the cabinets arrived promptly at 10am. The installers asked where I would like to wall mount the cabinets, had a look a the wall (which is a standard HDB wall) and proceeded to assemble the furniture quickly. There was an electrical duct on the wall which I had to tear up so that the cabinets can go up which I thought, ok, that's going to ruin the paint but the cabinets will cover it so I wasn't terribly concerned.

Nightmare be...   

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