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izzy's Latest Review
 22 Sep 2007 at 4:18 pm

Go-Go Bambini is the best place for kids that I know of in Singapore!
The indoor play facilities are great - my kids just love it and always come away tired and happy every time.
The cafe and nail spa are also an excellent idea. We usually sit and enjoy the very good coffee and either have cake or make a day of it including lunch and snacks.
Their menu includes sandwiches - ham and cheese; chicken and brie; roast beef etc. They also do some good pastas and salads. The kids enjoy the pasta and the great little cupcakes they make.
Hubbie usually catches up on email on the wifi or one of the computers provided FOC in the cafe and I get my nails done in the spa.
We've been to several birthday parties at Go-Go Bambini and each time the kids have had a blast. They do a very professional job and take care of the food and everything including really fun games. The party rooms are a good size too plus they have platters and wine etc for parents!
Totally recommend...   

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