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latest 40 comments CanYouCaprina? made
On the review for Angel Sky 8 (Orchard)
  1. CanYouCaprina?
    CanYouCaprina? said:
    How much is it to sign up as VIP? Also what will you be entitled to as a VIP? =D
    02 Nov 2007 at 9:41 am
  2. CanYouCaprina?
    CanYouCaprina? said:
    ****** thing is that have just signed up a $600 package with Modern Beauty for 20 face/body treatments to find out their service aren't THAT impressive... =( Peer pressure I guess?
    02 Nov 2007 at 9:44 am
  3. CanYouCaprina?
    CanYouCaprina? said:
    Wha... Erm... So the free trial on your side has ended? Hehe...
    02 Nov 2007 at 11:11 am
On the review for Pitch Black
  1. CanYouCaprina?
    CanYouCaprina? said:
    but the photos on the website says otherwise? it looked like a real arty farty cozy screening cafe with "High Definition Blu-Ray Projection and 6.1 Cinematic Surround Sound."? Trying to smoke noobies?
    02 Nov 2007 at 10:01 am
On the review for Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant
  1. CanYouCaprina?
    CanYouCaprina? said:
    so what's the damage done? hehe... to your wallet that is...
    31 Oct 2007 at 12:52 pm
On the review for Eden Cafe
  1. CanYouCaprina?
    CanYouCaprina? said:
    what would be the dress code? it's just a casual dining cafe eh?
    30 Oct 2007 at 1:36 pm
On the review for Don - Your Personal Pie Club
  1. CanYouCaprina?
    CanYouCaprina? said:
    1 of the famous claypot crab beehoon stalls can be found @ AMK ave 4... there're 2 of them located just 1 carpark away from each other but both opened by the same owner... MUST TRY!!!
    29 Oct 2007 at 12:52 pm
On the review for Loof
  1. CanYouCaprina?
    CanYouCaprina? said:
    cool... have been recommended by a friend to checkout this place... think will be doing just that this Friday! yippee! btw i lurve the website!!!
    25 Oct 2007 at 9:52 am
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