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ladyironchef's Latest Review
 07 Jun 2010 at 6:51 pm
   baked-eggs-breakfast.jpg   apple-crumble.jpg   best-pancakes-singapore.jpg

I know it seems like I am always scheming and teasing to get you hungry, but trust me: everything that I do is for your own good. Today is Sunday. And as my favorite saying goes: Sunday is made for brunch.

Epicurious Cafe has always been well known for their weekend brunch. It’s almost impossible to get a table without waiting if you reach after twelve noon, and here’s the good news – Epicurious has recently opened a new branch at Railmall. And the best part? The breakfast menu at railmall is exactly the same as the one at Robertson Quay.

Sharon the co-owner of Epicurious Cafe recommended me to go for the Baked Eggs with Toast Soldiers ($6.50 for 1) and I agreed that it’s absolutely divine! Eggs and bacons are the best couple in this world. The latter always makes eggs become so much better!

When the trio of eggs, bacon, and cheese are baked together, there’s only a word to describe everything – magic!

Having tried the Eggs Benedict on my previous visit, I decided to go...   

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Brad Lau

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ladyironchef is a male yebber.

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Food, my dear, is what they called an adventure!
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My Comments
On the review for Yantra
  1. ladyironchef
    ladyironchef said:
    wow fine dining indian cuisine, out of my league. haha whats the damage dude?
    19 Jul 2009 at 12:17 am
On the review for Paisley & Cream (The Central)
  1. ladyironchef
    ladyironchef said:
    i think paisley relocated liao? itx not at central anymore
    15 May 2009 at 5:51 pm
On the review for Paradise On Earth
  1. ladyironchef
    ladyironchef said:
    hello my new-fellow-yebber-ambassador! welcome to the group :)
    13 May 2009 at 10:37 am
On the review for Buttercake N Cream
  1. Jeslyn Tee
    Jeslyn Tee said:
    oo my goodness~~~ looks real delicious ... ! I'm drooling~
    19 Nov 2009 at 11:01 pm
On the review for Kim’s Family Restaurant
  1. Jeslyn Tee
    Jeslyn Tee said:
    I would love to try the beef claypot ... simply love beef~
    25 Oct 2009 at 2:54 pm
On the review for Queen & Mangosteen
  1. Jeslyn Tee
    Jeslyn Tee said:
    they certainly look appetizing ... ;)
    22 Oct 2009 at 12:39 am

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