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foodieah's Latest Review
 18 Apr 2009 at 4:52 am
   Fresh Oysters   Scallops with sea urchin emulsion   Pan seared foie gras

Looking through the newly opened French restaurants in town, I came across Absinthe, which just opened towards the end of last year and is located below Oso. The restaurant is in fact owned by the head chef Francois Mermilliod, restaurant manager Philippe Pau and the Oso partners. Located within a shop house on Bukit Pasoh road, on a very quiet location, the dining room is dark but cozy and decorated in a very classic style. The staff is very friendly, welcoming and professional, and the place seemed quite busy despite the fact that we visited it during lunchtime on a weekday.
My full review with pictures can be found at:

I had a look at the lunch menu, priced $38 for 3 courses, which was actually a bit disappointing due to the limited selection (It only had a couple of selections for each course). The fresh oysters ($12 each) came highly recommended, so I ordered a couple of them. They were in fact very fresh, with plenty of their ...   

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On the review for Coffee bar K
  1. kool
    kool said:
    kool! gonna try next week probably! thnx
    30 Oct 2009 at 11:52 pm
On the review for Au Petit Salut
  1. ladyironchef
    ladyironchef said:
    dude glad to see you posting here too. eh remember dont post more than 7 reviews a day, otherwise there won't be any yebber dollar for the additional reviews. lol!
    08 Apr 2009 at 9:42 am

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