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evelove87's Latest Review
 10 Jan 2009 at 2:57 pm

This is a v. small shop located at Bugis Street Level 2.

They sell array of dresses . V. girly and lady-like dress.

Actually went into the shop couple of time, but have nv try their clothes b4.. Last night I was, and saw a pink pokda dress! V. sweet. And I decided to try!

Something gd abt this shop is that the changing room is not crampy. It is spacious as compared to many other shop in Bugis.

Anyway, the sales asst service is v. gd too. She will recommend the dresses that are suitable for me. And even though i rejected her suggestions, she still smile to me and v. friendly.

Oh... Did i forgot to mention the price? Their pricing are v. reasonable. The dress are range b/w $30-$60 .. My dress cost me $34.90.(Silky soft kind material)

And they oso sell some accessories. Their accessories are unique and it only comes in limited pcs. So do look for their accessories located near to the cashier.

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My Comments
On the review for NailsTalk (Redhill)
  1. evelove87
    evelove87 said:
    yes! definately! and for birthday u get 50% off classic pedi and mani!!!
    09 Feb 2009 at 12:28 am
On the review for NailsTalk (Redhill)
  1. Rudskyblue
    Rudskyblue said:
    and the price there are reasonable too isn't it?
    08 Feb 2009 at 9:01 pm
  2. chalky
    chalky said:
    Ya! I am going to enjoy my 50% In April.. Their price really reasonable
    19 Mar 2009 at 11:59 am
On the review for Aviary KTV
  1. Jeslyn Tee
    Jeslyn Tee said:
    dirt cheap meaning what price range? sounds interesting ...
    03 Jan 2009 at 3:27 pm
  2. sakurrin
    sakurrin said:
    may i know how much do you pay ?
    07 Feb 2009 at 10:03 pm

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