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ocean's Latest Review
 10 May 2009 at 4:47 pm

Hmm..I do agreed with you..

To add on, I think that you have missed out on their dessert; the tiramisu cake, vendome cake & the coffee caramel cake..Personally, I like the coffee caramel to go with a cup of coffee..u know, the weird thing is, they complements each other..I found it hard to describe the taste but being a coffee lover, it is real hard to find a dessert to complement the coffee aroma..

It will a nice place to chill out for afternoon coffee/tea breaks to enjoy the cakes or pastries..
For lunch, the indoor seats are normally fully reserved..unless u reserve in-advance, if not forget abt it...

Not a bad idea for a drink at night with the collection of beers, wines and cocktails available..

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On the review for BlueMist (Amara)
  1. ocean
    ocean said:
    Hmm..I do agreed with you..
    10 May 2009 at 4:31 pm
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