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latest 40 comments Guttercat made
On the review for Sam’s Pet & Aquarium (Marine Parade Central)
  1. Guttercat
    Guttercat said:
    A friend of mine went through pretty much the same experience, though from a different pet shop. Think it's the norm rather than an anomaly in our exploitive wee island...
    26 Aug 2008 at 7:10 pm
On the review for Andersen’s Of Denmark Ice Cream (Parkway Parade)
  1. Guttercat
    Guttercat said:
    Quite alright lah, I've seen a customer get in a shouting match with the waitresses there before. When he threatened to speak to their manager, one just retorted, "Go ahead lah, scared of you arh?"
    02 May 2008 at 3:45 pm
On the review for Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant
  1. Guttercat
    Guttercat said:
    Thanks! As I recall, a set dinner for one costs SGD 39 .
    18 Jan 2008 at 11:50 pm

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