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4 Reviews
48, Tanjong Pagar Road
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Telephone: (65) 6339-5669

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    » 4 Reviews for “Feline Bridal ” -

  1. shirl
     02 Apr 2011 at 12:04 am

    Hi all, We sign feline from suntex road show. Very impressive photos & very different album. The sale team were incredibly good. We make full payment with the package on the spot. As we only buy photo package from feline, as both of us are indo. We enjoy very much during our pre-wed shoot, photographer very funny ,the make-up artise change my look like magic. Those gowns on me was princess . Photo albums took us 4 months to wait.( very long ) When we went back Jackata ,every friends & relatives love our album, every people comment nice. This is all worth the 2 cents we spent. Feline! you guys are the best, keep it up. cheers Regards Shirl & Edmond

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    1. look4edmund
       30 Mar 2011 at 12:54 am

      I found Feline Bridal at one of the wedding fairs at Suntec. My wife absolutely loved the design of the wedding gowns. I like the fact that they had an in-house photographer that really knew where are the exotic places in Singapore for photo shoots. Most studios just hire freelance photographers and I just don't feel comfortable with that.

      The photos turned out really nice and my wife has been showcasing to her friends whenever they come over for gatherings. I must say it was money well spent as I truly found value for money.

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      1. LyndaAng
         29 Mar 2011 at 10:45 pm

        Feline Bridal has got really nice and beautiful gowns. Their gowns are simply excellent, be it wedding or evening gown. It is the best bridal shop I have visited. Service exceeds expectation and they are not pushy to ask me to sign their package at all.

        Photography wise, most of the pictures turned out great! It’s not easy to find a photographer who can capture all the best angles of a person but Feline Bridal’s photographer did it so well! Oh..did I forget to mention that credit goes to Feline Bridal make-up artist as well. She is simply awesome!!! She sort off “open up” my eyes with her superb make up skills. I am born with droopy eyes and with a touch of her magic fingers, I have never love my eyes so much in my life! Her assistance greatly help to make me look good in the pictures

        Keep up the excellent work, Feline Bridal! Will definitely introduce all my jie mei to you :)

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        Comments on this review:
        1. fel_han
          fel_han said:
          Hi, may u share wif me your experience and make up artist? I signed a package with them too. Convenient for u to email me at [email protected]??
          06 Apr 2011 at 2:37 pm
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