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1 Review
219 Henderson Road
#05-04 Henderson Industrial Park
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6275-7788
Food and Beverages » Coffee & Tea
Shopping » Pharmacy

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “Good Image Tea ” - Food & Beverages

  1. GoodImageTea
     17 Jun 2007 at 12:37 pm

    "I was first introduced to Good Image Tea during a member showcase at our BNI meeting in February. Since then, I have been consuming it because not only did the tea tastes good, I found it to be an easy and effective way to detox my body and help me lose weight. Thanks to Good Image Tea" ~ Doris Ho Internet Directory Publisher Inter-Telecom Publishers

    "I have only taken it for a few days ie since last Friday (9th March 2007). I've noticed that my tummy is reduced. Now I can enjoy 'sinful' food and still maintain my desired weight!" ~ Daniel Regu Private Investigator Gideon Knight [email protected]

    "Since childhood, I have frequent constipation. More than a year ago, my beautician introduced to Good Image Tea and it had helped me since then. My complexion is better and my extra fats had been trimmed.!" ~ Mdm Norita Tan Restaurant Owner

    "I'm in the wellness business and is very familiar with the various health cleansing products in the market. When I was introduced to Good Image Tea recently, apart from its good cleansing capability, I was very impressed with the refreshing feeling derived as a result of the warmth that builds up in my body and leaving a cool mint after-taste." ~ Ong Kuan Kuan Wellness Consultant

    Tags: 3  add tags
    Rating given:5 stars
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    Comments on this review:
    1. aplink
      aplink said:
      Good Image Tea is great for someone wanted to slim down
      21 Mar 2008 at 4:03 am
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