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7500A Beach Road #05-318 The Plaza
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Telephone: (65) 6298-8898
Shopping (Online) » Jewelry & Accessories
Photos of Her Jewellery - Shopping (Online)Photos of Her Jewellery - Shopping (Online)Photos of Her Jewellery - Shopping (Online)

Her Jewellery is an online jewellery shop. Their products are using ingredient made with Swarosvki crystal and made with Swarovski Gems. Not only their have jewellery, there is also lifestyle items like the watches, crystal pens, etc.

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    » 1 Review for “Her Jewellery ” - Shopping (Online)

  1. Shirleen
     14 May 2014 at 12:11 pm
       Her Jewellery - Shopping (Online)   Her Jewellery - Shopping (Online)   Her Jewellery - Shopping (Online)

    I have got a set of Solitaire set from Her Jewellery. Their products were so attractive and made me feel like buying everything. There is also promotion frequently where I could buy a bracelet made with Swarovski crystal at only USD 12.99. The bracelet comes with a genuine certificate.

    This Solitaire Set which was made of Swarovski Zirconia meaning is the same as Diamond but is manmade. It looks so beautiful. It is also as bright as real diamond. I don't think I can get such a price if I buy from retail shop.

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