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500 Dover Road
Singapore Polytechnic Food Court 3
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Restaurants » Japanese
Photos of Japanese Food Food Court 3 - Restaurants

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    » 1 Review for “Japanese Food Food Court 3 ” - Restaurants

  1. x33kawaii-lov3
     19 Dec 2011 at 11:37 pm
       Japanese Food Food Court 3 - Restaurants

    Fried udon!;D This was my first time trying this japanese stall at food court 3, and there is simply too many delicious looking food on the menu that I could not decide what to eat. It seems like almost every dish displayed on the menu with pictures looked delicious;D Especially the fried udon, Japanese curry rice with chicken, ramen soup, and the omelette rice. We could not decide among those until the last minute. In the end I ordered the chicken ham and sausage fried udon.(:

    The serving was moderate, it may look less but I was quite full after finishing it. The taste was awesome;D They had a type of sauce which seems a little like the teriyaki sauce, which is poured over the fried udon. And the sauce gave the udon a unique taste and it was really rich in the flavour;D

    Initially I thought it may taste a little bland but it is not at all. Together with the chicken ham and sausage, the fried udon is simply yummy!(:

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