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1 Woodlands Square, Causeway Point, #04-33
Shopping » Home & Decors

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “Kessler Home Furnishings ” - Shopping

  1. kt tan
     05 Sep 2012 at 2:58 pm

    This is my first visit to Kessler, and I totally regretted it.

    Yesterday, I wanted to buy a basin tap to replace my aging one, and the sales guy told me it's out of stock. I asked him to explain where the tap was made and he said, "Just look under the label". When asked when new stock is coming, he said next month, and then walked back to his desk. His attitude is as if I've owed him money and refused to pay him. Rather spend my money elsewhere than deal again with such rude and poor service again.

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