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500 Dover Road
Singapore Polytechnic Food Court 4
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Eating Places » Food Courts

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “Taiwan Delights @ Singapore Poly Koufu ” - Eating Places

  1. x33kawaii-lov3
     02 Jan 2012 at 7:37 pm

    Fried ice cream!;D This stall sells some of Taiwan famous food such as the crispy chicken and fried ice cream;D The fried ice cream cost $1.50 each and it is delicious! The coating on the outside was really crispy and yet the ice cream in it was still freezing.(:

    Really love the combination of it and how we could taste the fried taste and at the same time taste the sweet cooling ice cream. Amazing how this can be done:x It was quite small in size but was worth it for a delicious fried ice cream;D

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