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4 Reviews
9 Scotts Road
#04-01/#06-01 Pacific Plaza
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6733-9555
Beauty and Wellness » Fitness

    Overall Rating:
    » 4 Reviews for “True Yoga (Pacific Plaza) ” - Beauty and Wellness

  1. cyber
     20 Jul 2009 at 10:58 am

    True Yoga is one of the clubs you wont want to join. me and my friends had a bad experience when we went there for a free class.

    the insturctor from a dance class was really hard to please, dance classes are suppose to be lots of fun, but he made it a really bad experiences for us. he made me stand away from my friend when he saw us talking to each other, when we were actually discussing the steps. it made me feel as though we were treated like kids.

    if you are looking for a club to join, californai fitness would be a better choice.

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    1. Nicnic
       19 Sep 2008 at 8:52 pm

      Ive heard of many stories about True Yoga.

      Not my personal experience though. My friend also did mention that she was offered free coupons to try out their services.

      she did not receive any inpolite comments though but she was saying that the person who served her was hard selling and somehow my friend got convinced to sign up.

      i have no idea how much she spent but she said it was pretty expensive and the instructor that she went to the classes for gave her the roll eyes look when she couldnt achieve the yoga position being taught. and that made her feel awkward and refused to go for anymore sessions.

      there goes her money.

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      1. mystery
         18 Sep 2008 at 11:02 am

        NOthing comes FREE... I had a call from them sometime back for a couple of FREE sessions. I was asked to go and pick up the coupons. When Im there, a guy ushered me to their lobby and start to look at me from head to toe and to my horror, this is what he says "Miss, you have a tummy and and your arms are flabby, im sure you are not happy, that's y you are here today" ... My god,is this how you talk to your customers, a lady customer somemore. I was v annoyed and tell him that Im here for the free coupons not for his comments on my body.

        He kept saying he will sure give me the FREE coupons but he wants to share with me the good of his club.. 'Even how good your club is I dont think I want to join, you are so rude' this is my thought from the moment he say of my body to the time I walk out of the club.

        He pull me around and show me the facilities and the products they have and kept telling me their 'heavenly price' is v worthwhile compared to other clubs. To end it all, he says 'paying this price, can get rid of your fats and tone you up, why not, right',,, 'even my gf can't tahan got tummy, im sure you as a lady oso can't'.... this is the last sentence I hear from him coz I m already blacked face.

        I tell him i got to go and i dont want his coupons and took my bag, stand up and leave the lobby. As I walk towards the escalator, he run up to me and handed me the coupons saying ' you are here for the FREE coupons, i SURE will give you, here you go' ... Thou I did take the coupons, but i tear it up as I leave the building, telling myself never will I walk up to this place again.

        What a sales person??? Should I consider him no manners or no customer service at all. Wonder how he can pursude other ladies into joining his club with this kind of comments.

        Maybe coz I go for the FREE, as he kept mentioning throughtout the 30mins. If you are there to buy the membership, mayb you can get better comments from him. I dont know.

        *My ratings is for the GUY (customer service) not the club.

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