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200 Turf Club Road
#01-19 Turf City
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6281-2777
Shopping » Home & Decors

The Worst Landscaping Design Company in Singapore

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “Agropolis Landscape (Turf City) ” - Shopping

  1. erictan
     25 Jan 2011 at 6:44 pm

    I seriously disappointed with their service quality. I walked in 3 weeks ago to talk about my landscape project. After our first meeting, there is no response since then. I was told that their director, Kar Hoon, is supposed to email me the revised quotation. And I waited and waited. No response for 3 weeks! When I called and asked when, I was told by the staff due to peak period, she cannot work on the pricing yet. Fine, she promised that she will come back on a week later. Guess what. The same reason was given to me twice. Even more brilliant, the last time I called your staff told me they cannot promise when they can come back to me. If they are not interested in my project, at least tell me straight. Stop wasting everyone's time, they are not the only one who is busy! Maybe this is a blessing in disguise that I didn't engage their service. If a quotation can take this long, I wonder how long will I ever see my garden. Phew

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