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5 Reviews for “Artistry ” - Beauty and Wellness
I have to say that skincare of any brand are not suitable for EVERYONE. What is good for me may not work on you and vice versa. Do however, take note of this. If Artistry is not suitable for you, return it to the distributor and you get your money back - 100%. That is the guarantee Amway gave to all customers. Even super brands like SKII or Shiseido do not give you this money-back guarantee and the price of their products are way higher than Artistry's! So don't be afraid to test Artistry. I wouldn't say that it will suit your skin 100%, but hey, you get your money back, if it doesn't. We always hope to find something that works fine for our skin, and we have to trial and error most brands before we stumble upon the perfect one!
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hello all. I'm an Amway distributor of which artistry is a sub-brand. its an awesome product range. the reason some of you may hav bad experiences using them is cuz u maybe using a skin moisturing product for your oily skin (mismatched skin and product type). That's why we have a SAM (skin analysing machine). This looks 3layers under your skin and shows what type of skin you have. whether is parched from sun damage, pimples from acne etc. I provide this testing for a fee of $20. Te we'll reccommend you products you need. If you're not satisfied, we provide a money-back gurantee for your products. you can contact me if interested at [email protected]
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I used the senstive skin range of products for this brand and its the nightmare of my life.
The first day I used this product, my skin itch and small red rashes broke out. I thought nothing much of it as its usual that my sensitive skin will react to new products. So I continued the use for 2 weeks and my skin itch and rashed every single usage of the products. By and by it leads to me having super dry and sensitive skin. My skin starts to flake and scarring occurs.
So I stopped the usage and returned to using Dermalogical products and my skin goes back to normal although its already scarred and the sensitiveness increased.
Will not use this brand anymore.
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