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cherryandmartini's Latest Review
 30 Dec 2007 at 11:47 pm
   Beef Mozza Tofu   Potato Wedges   Rose juliet

Love the red chairs.
TCC makes my bestfriend and I happy! ;D

I love their Beef Mozza Tofu, Chocolate fudge(W or WO ice cream), Tiramisu, Salmon linguine, Potato wedges (omg the chesse), Rose juliet, Mighty Joe Young the best! ;D

The staff working there are polite and helpful.

Its a great place to enjoy nice food and have long chit-chat sessions :)
Im not sure if it'd be very packed during lunch/dinner time because most of the time when im there i'd get to sit at my ''Usual'' which is right beside the kitchen! hahaha
Like it there because of the reddddd chairs ;P

Hasnt been to all outlets yet
but i personally feel that the service at Great World City is quite bad. sigh.

Let me give a little more details here :)
For the Beef/Tofu lovers, pls do not hesitate to try Beef Mozza Tofu! It wont be a disappointmen...   

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Anita W

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cherryandmartini is a female yebber.

A little about cherryandmartini...

i love colours (esp purple, red, orange, green, yellow); i love food (esp tiramisu,beef,salad,seafood); i love taking photographs because its the best thing to capture beautiful/sad memories; i love all my friends they're the best thing on earth; i love my dad the most hes the best man in the world and hes so perfect in my eyes; i love to crack stupid and lame jokes to make people around me laugh and smile because it makes me happy; i love to watch movie very much esp with my bestfriend; i love to read sad stories i dont know why; i think angelina jolie is so hot and pretty; i find social workers very interesting and noble its a really tough job; im learning to be less lazy, more organised and STOP TAKING CAB! lastly i'd love to befriend you because you took the time and effort to view through this whole not-very-interesting profile of mine! ;D
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On the review for Singapore Zam Zam Restaurant
  1. cherryandmartini
    cherryandmartini said:
    How much is your "really cheap" cheap?
    20 Dec 2008 at 11:26 am
On the review for Timbre
  1. cherryandmartini
    cherryandmartini said:
    What's the pricing like for the pizza?
    20 Dec 2008 at 11:05 am
On the review for Wala Wala Cafe Bar
  1. cherryandmartini
    cherryandmartini said:
    What's the pricing like for the snacks?
    20 Dec 2008 at 10:51 am
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