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Aries Tan's Latest Review
 21 Aug 2013 at 1:40 pm
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After finished my lunch, i bought fruits from Swee huat fruit stall :D I will always like to have some fruits after my meal. As my parent always said " eat fruits helps in digestion"

After finish ordering the fruits, immediately went back to the seat and share the fruits with my family. However, the auntie made a mistake by adding salt into the fruits :X !

I guess that the auntie didn't mean it, as maybe she might has slip off her mind that this plate of fruits should not have added any salts at all. :D

The plate of fruits cost $2. One piece only cost $0.60 !! Total it should be $1.80
but with the additional of the ice, it cost another $0.20. therefore in total i have to pay 2 bucks for it. Other than the price that is pretty affordable, the fruits are also fresh and sweet ! That's is the point where i felt the plate of fruits are worthwhile !

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Aries Tan is a female yebber.

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I love to eat and write reviews about the food. The reviews are just based on my own experiences.
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My Comments
On the review for 56 Li Ji Goreng Pisang (Taman Jurong)
  1. Aries Tan
    Aries Tan said:
    They serve the customers by using tissue.
    21 Aug 2013 at 12:32 pm
On the review for Starbucks (Orchard)
  1. Aries Tan
    Aries Tan said:
    woah, how long does the promotion last or it has ended already ? (:
    18 Aug 2013 at 12:33 am
On the review for Baker Talent (Yishun)
  1. Aries Tan
    Aries Tan said:
    Yes i do ! I guess that's the reason the bun tastes better than other bakery ?
    12 Aug 2013 at 2:09 pm
On the review for 56 Li Ji Goreng Pisang (Taman Jurong)
  1. thinkefy
    thinkefy said:
    How about goreng pisang on my tissue? if don't put in plastic bag then how they serve you?
    20 Aug 2013 at 1:05 pm
On the review for Starbucks (Orchard)
  1. Leenie Pigs
    Leenie Pigs said:
    The past one week, they were offering this 1 for 1 drink, its superduper worth it :)
    15 Aug 2013 at 10:26 am
On the review for Choh Dee Place (Yishun)
  1. thinkefy
    thinkefy said:
    WOW :)sounds yummy!!!
    14 Aug 2013 at 9:58 am

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