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thinkefy's Latest Review
 12 Jun 2015 at 12:26 pm
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One of the most interesting cafes I've ever been in SG and whats best is that it is situated conveniently in boat quay facing right on the river.

It was a short climb of stairs up in between the vibrant restaurants and what separates the noise and the serenity inside the cafe was just a glass door. Entering it bloats out the fun noises downstairs into a world of its own. A sweet smiling staff greeted us and led us to remove our footwear, wash our hands and handed us some instructions on how best to enjoy our experience with the cats in the safe house which is another glass door away.

Really like the way the whole place was cleverly designed that is cosy and seriously quite fun. So we got ourselves ready and even ordered our drinks and cakes to be consumed inside the cat's safe-house. While I slide away the door to enter, one snowy white short haired cat was perched next to the high table welcoming our entrance. There were about 14 cats in all, mostly street cats rescued and a lar...   

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My Comments
On the review for D’Kranji Farm Resort
  1. thinkefy
    thinkefy said:
    wow... very nice.... is there plenty of mozzies? i hate feeding these bloodsuckers...
    30 Apr 2015 at 2:45 pm
On the review for Suki-ya (Bedok Point)
  1. thinkefy
    thinkefy said:
    sounds delicious..... will check it out
    01 Apr 2015 at 12:35 pm
On the review for Wave Master Holidays Club (Harbour Front)
  1. thinkefy
    thinkefy said:
    mmm.. avocado chocolate is what i love in Batam
    05 Mar 2015 at 3:24 pm
On the review for 818 Paradise Seafood House (WCEGA Tower)
  1. Shiling
    Shiling said:
    Hi ! Thanks 4 the feedback I hope you enjoy ur meal with us and that u would visit soon . We have relocated to 21 bukit batok crescent, wcega tower, #02-85, S(658065) tel:65636862 bring ur friends:)
    20 Sep 2014 at 8:40 pm
  2. Leenie Pigs
    Leenie Pigs said:
    :) great :) thanks for the update!
    22 Sep 2014 at 10:26 am
On the review for Grandma’s (Raffles City Shopping Centre)
  1. Muffy
    Muffy said:
    Wah...really worth giving this place a try too...
    29 Aug 2014 at 11:07 am
On the review for Gelare (Gelare @ The Star Vista)
  1. Muffy
    Muffy said:
    The waffle looked yummy.... How is the pricing like?
    30 Dec 2013 at 5:28 pm

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