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10 Neo Tiew Lane 2
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Telephone: (65) 6898-9228
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    » 1 Review for “D’Kranji Farm Resort ” - Sports & Recreation

  1. Muffy
     30 Apr 2015 at 2:14 pm
       D   D   D   D   D

    While cruising along Neo Tiew Road, we came across this place called D’Kranji Resort Farm. It is more like a chalet type of resort but comes with additional facilities like spa, prawn fishing and locally planted fruits & vegetables farm. There is a beer garden where you could chill out for the evening or an in-house Chinese restaurant which serves pretty good food.

    With chalets of different sizes, it caters to families who needed some quality bonding time and discover the kampong spirit of picking up fruits and vegetables from the nearby farm. We understand that the Family Suite consisted of 2 bedrooms and a separate kitchen & dining area. There is also a barbeque pit provided at the backyard. Although the leaftlet mentioned that there is a karoke system in each room, we didn’t hear anybody singing while we were having dinner.

    Occasionally, the resort will hold organic farm fairs and even have mini fun fairs showcasing eating, cooking and planting of vegetables and snacks.

    Our choice of food came piping hot and we decided to dine outside the restaurant as it was more breezy. Our main dish was the Sri Lanka crabs which was cooked in two ways - chillie gravy and freshly steamed in chopped garlic. Both dishes were delicious.

    The fried rice and sambal kangkong were equally tasty. The yam ring basket was rather small but the generous servings of items like mushrooms, chestnuts, cashews and colourful capsicums were spilled over from the centre of the ring basket.

    During the whole session of dining, we were entertained by music and singers from nearby beer garden. Indeed, the atmosphere was relaxing and with the cool wind blowing, we have truly enjoyed our dinner.

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    Rating given:5 stars
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    Comments on this review:
    1. thinkefy
      thinkefy said:
      wow... very nice.... is there plenty of mozzies? i hate feeding these bloodsuckers...
      30 Apr 2015 at 2:45 pm
    2. Muffy
      Muffy said:
      Ha ha...i dont think so...none of us got bitten, so I guess even there is any mozzie, sure to be disppointed
      06 May 2015 at 8:24 pm
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