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Angelbird's Latest Review
 12 Feb 2009 at 10:49 pm

Hi All,
Glad that found this forum, and I will like to join the force to sue this True Spa.

I'm a victim since joined 2007. At 1st, my ex-beauticial Yuki called me that there was a free trial of body spa and invited me to come to try, with no obligation of purchase. At 1st, I have rejected her, but her persistent and due to good well of her past service to me, so I went for the free trial. And who know after that trial, it was my start of nightmare and causing big pocket holes and large installment loan till now.

After that free trial, a consultant Marilyn kept pushing her sales tactic to me and I had bought $1780 package. This package limited to 10 LPG, 10 full body massage, 10 body polish and 20 hydrobath.

And as I went for my 2nd appointment in 3rd Aug 07, Yuki pushed her hard sales. She kept presisted me to upgrade my values so that I can utilised any services at the member price and complimentary of VIP room usage. And through the temptation, I had upgraded my values to...   

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On the review for True Spa
  1. Angelbird
    Angelbird said:
    Anyone koe the subtle sense has closed down??
    20 Oct 2010 at 10:55 am
On the review for True Spa
  1. Angelbird
    Angelbird said:
    Anyone koe the subtle sense has closed down??
    20 Oct 2010 at 10:54 am
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