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 11 Dec 2009 at 10:16 am
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This small eatery was featured in a Singaporean food variety shows as well as a number of local newspaper lifestyle reports for its unique variety of waffles e.g. oreo, durian, honey.

From 10am to 10pm daily, you can experience an all-you-can-eat buffet of waffles of many different flavours. You can also pick from a (One-time) selection of ice-creams and drinks to complement your waffles. All these for just $8.80! If somehow you are still hungry, you can top-up $3 for a main course e.g. spaghetti.

However, you should also take note of some house rules e.g. the standard buffet wastage charges. As the Durian flavor waffles is the most requested flavor at Waffle Factory, each buffet diner is entitled to only 1 Durian flavor waffle. You just have to try the waffle to understand why - instead of a durian-flavored paste, this is a real fresh durian filling!

We tried a total of 12 waffles - each waffle is about the size of a palm and there are many flavours to choose from. Some must-...   

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Zhiqiang Lin

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My Comments
On the review for KBox Karaoke (Marina Square)
  1. said:
    I didn't navigate the menu for Korean Songs so can't advise if there are any. However they do have a good selection of Japanese Songs.
    25 Dec 2009 at 1:41 am
On the review for KBox Karaoke (Marina Square)
  1. janesuju
    janesuju said:
    are there alot of korean songs available?
    22 Dec 2009 at 11:48 am

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