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Polarbear's Reviews

       19 Nov 2007 at 1:26 pm
    Category: Japanese
    I had walked past this new restaurant a few times while I was there. the first time I was about to walk in for dinner, they were closing alr. So too bad. This time whiel walking aimlessly in Orchard, thinking wat to eat, suddenly thought of it and decided to give t a try. Hee....

    So the place was pretty packed when we were there. We were in the queue, waiting to be ushered to our seats while browsing the menu. The next thing I know the couple behind me was ushered in. Hmm.... I think the waitress should have asked us first since we are in the queue.

    There are 4 tables, each able to seat 10 people. The decoration is simple but the plates and sauces plates that they are using are very nice, with plum flower prints. Very classy touch!

    The menu is pretty simple. All in set meals of cos there are ala carte as well. We ordered a seafood set and a beef set. Since there are other customer seating at the table, the chef already started cooking their food, from the looks of it, it loks promising!

    The seafood set comes with 3 prawns, 2 scallops, fore gais, duck meat, assorted mushroom, rice and miso soup.

    The beef set comes with beef, chawmisu (the steam egg thing), assorted mushroom, rice and miso soup. Still got something that we did not managed to taste out what it is. Hee.... Oh yes, still got the garlic rice as well.

    Overall, the food is good. The chef did not do anything amazing. no stunts while cooking. The food is cooked in rotation, mean the food does not come in at the same time.

    I was amazed how the chawmisu (the steam egg thing) is being cooked. Using an onion layer as the bowl, the egg contents are placed inside and "steamed" on the hot plate. It is great!

    A lot of garlic is used during the cooking and it does makes everything taste good. Of cos, for those who dun like garlic too bad.

    Overall, it is a good place for some teppanyaki food. It will be fun if can get 10 ppl to seat together. It will be a lot of fun.

    Sorry no pics for this post as got stangers seating at the same time. Hee.... Too pai seh to take pics.
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    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of
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      47. VivoCity   
         11 Nov 2007 at 11:53 am
      Category: Malls
      Vivocity is one the biggest shapping mall in Spore. I will be there almost every weekend as well. Haa....

      I feel that it is one of the best design shopping centre as well. When I was there for the first time, I have a feeling a being lost as the place is really big, even with the help of a map. However after a while, I get used to it and find it quite easy to move around as well.

      They boast the biggest cinema in Spore, got a sky train to Sentosa, and they are next to St James, the biggest entertainment outlet.

      They also managed to get a lot of big fashion brands like Gap, River Island, Tangs, etc.

      Electronic shops like Samsung, Challenger, Best Denki and many more handphone shop.

      Restaurants, from small cafes like Ben and Jerry, to the usual coffee joints like Starbucks and Coffee Bean etc, to the fast food, special ones like Super Dog, to all lot of food courts, Food Republic. Too many to list down here.

      There is also a big wading pool on the roof top where good to see kids running in and out. There are also lots of grass patches to have a picnic maybe.

      So there are tons of things to do there. Good way to spend a weekend, if you are sick of town shopping centres.
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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           11 Nov 2007 at 11:15 am
        Category: Desserts
        While waiting for my movie to start, decided to hang out out Ben and Jerry for some ice cream. I think this is one of the biggest outlet in Spore with a space for some bands to jam.

        I am always a big fan of Ben and Jerry ice cream, especially Chucky Monkey! Hee....

        The service of the place is pretty smooth. Nothing to wow on.

        The main thing that I dun like was the band yesterday. I thought that I can have a good chat but it turns out that the band was too loud for any chit chat and the singing was not good. The singer was screaming at every word. Sigh..

        So in the end we jz finished out ice cream fast and move out of that place fast! I think if their plan is to use the band to make the customer move out of the place fast, I think they had done it.

        The ice cream 5 stars but overall experience at the outlet 2 stars.
        Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
        Rating given:Rating: 2 out of Rating: 2 out of Rating: 2 out of Rating: 2 out of Rating: 2 out of
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             06 Nov 2007 at 10:05 am
          This incident happen to me over the weekend and have to say that I am very impressed with the staff over there.

          I ordered a regular Black Forest and when I got it and drank it, I find the drink very diluted, seem like they forgot to add something in, I only have the coffee bitter after taste only, no taste of chocolate or whatever. Confirmed this with my galfren, who also find the drink under par.

          So I mentioned this to the manager (I think), without any questions asked, he immediately offered to replace a new drink for me. The new drink was replaced to me within a min and it was prefect. Think they forgot to add in something in the 1st drink. Hee....

          So based on this their customer service is really number one! I am really impressed!
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          Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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            50. Paulaner Brauhaus   
               05 Nov 2007 at 10:02 am
            Category: German
            Had dinner over there on Sat with a fren of mine. Was expecting a crowd as we went during dinner time but was surprised to see that it was almost empty with only a few tables occupied only. Maybe after Octoberfest, everyone need a rest.

            We were led to a table and immediately I find the service very on the ball alr. Hee.... Within 5 mins after I was seated, I was asked 2 times by 2 different waiters for my order. Maybe too free, as there is no one else alr. Haa....

            In the end we ordered a sauage platter, a pork knuckle and 2 x 0.5l light beer.

            After ordering, the waiteress brought out some bread, in fact it is slices of different kind of bread with butter.

            Food also came pretty fast, like after a 5 min wait.

            1. Pork Knuckle, have to say that after tasting the pork knuckle @ Marche last weekend, I am a bit disappointed with this version. It is not as crispy as I expected to be, and it appeared to be smaller as well. However, it is still consider one of the better onces I have tasted. It also came with the usual side dishes as well.

            2. The sausage platter came with 5 different types of sauage. All tasted good, the flavour is there and juicy as well. Haa... I like it a lot.

            3. I also like their beer, like Brewerks, their beer does not have a bitter after taste.

            Whenever I think of German food, I would go there to settle my craving and have to say that it is one of my fav drinking hole as well.

            As The BIG MATCH is going on when we are having dinner, thje bar downstairs is packed with people and can hear their cheers going on as well. Haa...
            Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
            Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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