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Goodwill Court
85 Upper East Coast Road
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Telephone: (65) 6441-6920
Restaurants » Seafood, Fusion
Photos of Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant - RestaurantsPhotos of Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant - RestaurantsPhotos of Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant - RestaurantsPhotos of Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant - RestaurantsPhotos of Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant - Restaurants

BIGFish Seafood Grill sources the freshest cold water seafood from around the world.

With a lip-smacking range of delectable seafood, the restaurant will perk up your spirit with its clever open-kitchen concept which allows you to have a full view of the 'man at work'!

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    » 3 Reviews for “Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant ” - Restaurants

  1. Lucardia
     24 Nov 2008 at 9:31 pm
       Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant - Restaurants   Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant - Restaurants   Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant - Restaurants   Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant - Restaurants   Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant - Restaurants

    It was during one of the celebrating months for my gf that we finally decided to give Big Fish a try after numerous recommendations. My gf loved fish and so, this has been in our minds for quite some time. Honestly, we're just trying to see if there's another place as worthwhile as the Manhatten Fish market in terms of food offerings since this is pretty much of the same theme. So it was that we stepped in and had our first encounter.

    Complimentary Bread - The complimentary bread was served warm and soft which is a plus but otherwise, nothing significant. Not too sure if it is made in house either since its rather bland and simple.

    The interior is rather spacious with around 4-6 wall sofa seats and a seating capacity of about 40-50 when full. The thing is, when we arrived, there was nary a soul and when we left, there was still only one other customer apart from us. This was around 645 - 8 pm. If i were the owner, i'd find that rather worrying actually. Service was decent with recommendations, explainations and was generally pleasantenough to commend. They could improve on waiting time though, since we were the only people there, the waiting time of 15 minutes before our soup was served seemed rather obsessive.

    Mushroom Soup ($8.95) - The mushroom soup reminded me of the rendition i had in Eden cafe under Clement. The taste and texture is packed with mushroom bits and had some cream in it as well. The overal feeling is that its creamy and starchy to good effect. The serving size was not exactly big however and at the price, this left me a little disappointed.

    Seafood Chowder ($8.95) - The seafood chowder was packed with ingredients as well and had lots of squid, a few pieces of shrimp, scallop and carrots within. The end result is a pleasing soup that opens up the appetite for the meal to come. Again, the serving size is too small when comparing the price.

    Seafood Platter ($51.95) - Not knowing what to order, we opted for a safe choice to try a huge amount of stuff at a "perceived" reasonable price. The platter for 2 isn't exactly full of stuff but it does have more then enough for the 2 of us to finish. Fries, fish skewers, mussels, crayfish, scallops and rice round up the platter offering. The mussels and scallops were of a decent size and there was 2 each which meant no fighting for the food. They were also reasonably fresh, as is the crayfish and the grilled fish skewers. The skewers were nicely done, not too dry despite the grilling, while the rice and fries ensured you will be full from the set. I did think $50 for this is still too steep a price to pay though.

    Creme Brulee ($8.95) - Well, after a meal of overly expensive items, the dessert finally looked up to the task of living up to the price. The creme brulee came looking like a winner and in fact, it was the best item i had that night. The fruit and decor is a wonderful touch and it helps that the fruits were all sweet and complimented the dessert well. The sugar layer was a little too thick and sweet but nothing too big. The bottom layer, i suspect, is made from vanilla extract since i didn't see any vanilla residue in the texture but i'm not complaining.

    Chocolate Souffle ($9.95) - I ordered this thinking it was a molten chocolate cake but i was wrong. A souffle is more akin to cakes with a springy and fluffy texture. In fact, Souffle means to "blow up" and is made of a combination of egg whites and various ingredients. Their rendition should be considered decent as the top was lightly hard while the lower portion is fluffy and a little wet with chocolate. If i'm not wrong, its supposed to come with some sauce but there wasn't any. Decent but not my kind of dessert.

    Finally, this experimental meal came up to a whooping $97.65 for 2 people on a simple weekday night.

    Well, to say the food is bad would be unfair but i couldn't help feeling a heavy pinch in my heart for the amount i spent on this meal. For what i had, i think a price tag of about $60 or 70 plus taxes might have made me felt better. For improvement, serving the food faster and more economical pricing would bring me back but not before then.

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    1. Bobo
       28 Feb 2008 at 11:13 pm
         Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant - Restaurants   Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant - Restaurants   Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant - Restaurants   Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant - Restaurants   Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant - Restaurants

      Big Fish is a restaurant serving up fresh seafood dishes situated in the popular Siglap area. It’s been around for a few years and my family and I decided to try it out this CNY season.

      We made reservations, as there were 6 of us and were promptly seated in the centre of the restaurant that night. The interior design of the place was comfortable with nice music and suitable lighting. It wasn’t too bright and yet just enough to take photos. The staff were friendly and served us iced water as we were ordering. They were also patient to explain the various dishes, though they had to repeat a few times as we had trouble understanding them (due to their accent).

      The complimentary bread had herbs in it and was fresh. It was soft and fluffy. Too bad they gave only one for every person at the table.

      Food Ordered:

      Set Dinner - $29.95 This is a 4-course set that consisted of Corn Soup, Mahi-mahi, Chocolate Mousse and Coffee. The soup was pretty thick but not much ingredients in it. It IS corn soup after all.

      Live Oysters - $2.60 per piece These were very fresh, served on ice. No fishy smell at all and it was quite sizeable. But even so it’s still expensive at this price… Well at least it was good. We ordered 6 which were finished in a jiffy. Softshell Crab - $12.95 I was a little disappointed by the quantity when it arrived. It’s lightly coated with some spices and served with mango salsa and a homemade dipping sauce. There was a lot of sauce but little crab. Nonetheless the crab was very tasty and not oily which is a big plus for me. Seafood Platter - $51.95 There were grilled scallops, Morton Bay Bug, fish skewers, BBQ squid, NZ mussels, chargrilled prawns, served with butter rice and chips. If you order this alone, it’s probably enough for 3 people to share. 5 of us shared this along with all the other stuff we ordered. The seafood was very fresh and not over done though it looked like it at first glance. But the juices are still retained so it wasn’t dry the way it looked. The fries were very nice and they are the fat sort I liked. The butter rice was not very tasty though, it could have been more fragrant. Fish and Chips - $15.95 I loved the fish! But I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t appeal to most people. The batter was light and the two pieces of fish were quite big. The fish was smooth and didn’t have any fishy smell even without lemon. But the batter wasn’t very heavy in taste which is why I said it probably wouldn’t appeal to most. There weren’t enough fries. (I’m a Fry lover)

      Yu Sheng - $22.95 The restaurant’s version of the Raw Fish Salad gave us a nice surprise. This is the smallest serving, and they were not kidding when they said that it was SMALL. One mouthful for each of us and the plate was empty. Nonetheless there was a nice combination of different fish slices, though I’m not sure what fish was used. Obviously this is only available during the CNY season. Spaghetti Vongole- $18.95 I didn’t get the description for this dish but this was a spicy pasta dish served with clams. My mom was all praises for this dish, until she realised how much it cost. It is barely enough for one person really. If eaten alone, it’s definitely not enough. It would be, if it were part of a set. The clams were nicely seasoned and cooked and the pasta was just right.

      Beef Tenderloin - $29.95 We were asked if how we wanted the steak so we were very curious how it would turn out…. It came in slices! A nice surprise indeed when the people eating it found that it was not overdone despite being cut up. But the serving was quite small too, certainly not enough for my brother. Raspberry Soda - $4.95 I didn’t order this but ended up drinking it as the person didn’t like sourish drinks. I liked how the ice was crushed up inside, so that it would melt quickly to dilute the drink and made it ice-cold throughout. Green Apple Soda - $4.95 This was not sourish as one would expect.. it was actually sweet. Really odd don’t you think?

      We spent a total of $229 for the 6 of us. Honestly speaking, we weren’t very full. The amount of food was just right but not over the top. Which makes this meal a little expensive. But for the freshness of the food good taste good service, I’d say it was pretty worth it J

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      1. Guttercat
         31 Oct 2007 at 1:29 am
           Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant - Restaurants   Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant - Restaurants   Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant - Restaurants   Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant - Restaurants   Big Fish Seafood Grill Restaurant - Restaurants

        Frankly, I'm surprised that no one has thus far done a review on Big Fish.

        The missus & I popped in during one of our regular forays to Siglap, & have never regretted doing so. If asked to describe Big Fish in as few words as possible, I'd say, 'Think of it as a classier, tastier, slightly more upmarket Fish & Co.'.

        I've never been fond of eating food that comes with atas garnishing & condiments, I mean, if the dish tastes great by itself, wherein lies the necessity for such pretty embellishments?

        Big Fish converted me into a believer... & at a pretty affordable price too.

        The joint's a tad small, so it may be wise to make a reservation beforehand, especially during peak periods. If your group happens to be overly large, the partitions can be easily removed to join several tables together. Parking's fairly limited, but there's a sizeable public carpark nearby for those who don't mind walking a bit.

        Their Seafood Chowder's a sure winner, especially considering how fresh the shellfish are. The Lobster Bisque is a safe bet as well, though it is only offered as a Soup of the Day, so do call ahead to avoid any disappointment.

        If you're hankering for some greenery, order the Warm Mushroom Salad; their choice of condiments really brings out the best of this little beaut.

        For 'Big Fish' Signature Dishes, be sure to try out their Fish & Chips (fresher than fresh, & not too oily to boot), Spaghetti with Lobster Ragout (Slipper Lobster, really, & tends to be quite gelat, so it's a good idea to share), & Grilled Hot Seafood Platter (somewhat similar to Fish & Co.’s Seafood Platter, but with the addition of Scallops & Morton Bay Bugs, & the rice is lot less oily).

        I wouldn't recommend the Spicy Seafood Cioppino though, simply because the portion's waaay too modest for me. But if you're a small eater, then by all means go ahead.

        & for those of you highly susceptible to having fish bones stuck in your throat, beware the Whole Rainbow Trout.

        Their staff are pretty friendly & helpful, 'cept for one huge Malay fella who could perhaps practice smiling a bit more (not say what lah, but a quick flash of a grin once in a while would've been nice). Be aware that they can be overly zealous at times; I once had my half-finished Seafood Chowder cleared when I accompanied my daughter to the restroom but for a moment.

        Their recommendations can usually be trusted, though I was sorely disappointed with the Grilled Swordfish Collar; it came out very dry, which totally killed the taste. To give them the benefit of a doubt, it might have been a one-off thing. I'll give it another shot when I've overcome the trauma.

        Ultimately, if you’re out for a night of fine - yet affordable - dining, you may very well give Big Fish a try.

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        Comments on this review:
        1. CanYouCaprina?
          CanYouCaprina? said:
          so what's the damage done? hehe... to your wallet that is...
          31 Oct 2007 at 12:52 pm
        2. Lucardia
          Lucardia said:
          Oh hey, i've heard of the place but yet to really try it. How much did it cost? Nice review btw.
          02 Dec 2007 at 9:41 am
        3. Guttercat
          Guttercat said:
          Thanks! As I recall, a set dinner for one costs SGD 39 .
          18 Jan 2008 at 11:50 pm
        4. 1 more comment »
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