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#01-06 National Museum of Singapore
93 Stamford Road
Telephone: (65) 6333-0073
Restaurants » Chinese (Traditional)
Photos of Chef Chan Restaurant - RestaurantsPhotos of Chef Chan Restaurant - RestaurantsPhotos of Chef Chan Restaurant - RestaurantsPhotos of Chef Chan Restaurant - RestaurantsPhotos of Chef Chan Restaurant - Restaurants

    Overall Rating:
    » 5 Reviews for “Chef Chan Restaurant ” - Restaurants

  1. hburn10
     12 Jan 2013 at 9:50 pm
       Chef Chan Restaurant - Restaurants   Chef Chan Restaurant - Restaurants   Chef Chan Restaurant - Restaurants   Chef Chan Restaurant - Restaurants   Chef Chan Restaurant - Restaurants

    I had the opportunity to attend a biz lunch there and had the set lunch at $38 per pax. The photos, by the way, are terrible as I had to sneakily snap them with my phone.

    Steamed pork dumpling and deep fried prawn in pumpkin sauce - the pork dumpling is siew mai really which was okay but the prawn was fresh and crunchy and literally drowned in the rather tasty gooey pumpkin sauce.

    Braised minced fish in thick soup - nice but I couldnt taste the minced fish - a dash of vinegar made it better though.

    Deep fried spare ribs in vinegar sauce - the vinegar sauce was quite unique but the ribs were too fatty for me.

    Chef Chan's famous roasted chicken - I had this before years ago and I remembered not being wow-ed by it. This time, it felt the same.

    Sauteed seasonal vegetables with minced garlic - disappointingly normal.

    Chilled hawthorn jelly - good and a big portion too.

    Service was very good but maybe because we had the semi partitioned hall and had 11pax. You also do feel the atas-ness within the traditional Chinese settings which makes the experience a bit better.

    That being said, I wouldnt return as the food is really average for a supposedly reputable restaurant. Maybe because Chef himself no longer runs the kitchen?

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    1. Lucardia
       18 Jul 2008 at 10:19 pm
         Chef Chan Restaurant - Restaurants   Chef Chan Restaurant - Restaurants   Chef Chan Restaurant - Restaurants   Chef Chan Restaurant - Restaurants   Chef Chan Restaurant - Restaurants

      Chef Chan's restaurant, decked in expensive antiques which make up his very own private collection and located within out very own Art Museum, the place screams of taste and posh before you even step into it. And we were there during his anniversary to try out his signature dishes done out in a set menu for 8. Expectations ran high for this chef who touts himself as a top chef in his Chinese namecard, Shen Chu San Jue but is it really that good?

      Well, first of all the place is interesting. Not quite what i was expecting with all the bells and whistles and highly provocative name. In fact, the place was quite the opposite, sublime, quiet and very much bare. This is true for the door that greets you to the interior which had a very minimalist approach apart from the gilded plates, jade set ornaments and glaring antiques. Each item within is painstakingly collected by the Chef, Mr Chan Chen Hei over the years and it shows. Simply refer to the pictures to understand.

      Flashy stuff in terms of the decorations i would say. The place is also weird in that each table of guests had their own partitioned room and there were no open tables on the outside. In fact, it felt like an intimate gathering of friends in a mutual friend's place as opposed to a restaurant. Next up, on to the food.

      Cashew Nuts Coated With Honey - The cashew nuts were good though. Exceptionally so, i could go for seconds and thirds of those cashew nuts easily. Crunchy with a finely roasted fragrance and honey sweet. Yep, its something i would want right now actually.

      Melon Strips Enlivened With Orange Juice - The first dish to adorn our tables is a rather normal looking item. Cut melon pieces, the difference lay in the color and taste which strangely resembled a crunchy orange. Our guess is that it was soaked in orange juice or extract but wasn't sure how to explain the crunchiness it retained. Still, it was normal when the dust settled.

      Prawn Balls Stuffed With Pate and Wine - I was actually looking forward to this particular dish. Pate and prawn and wine. How could it not be a winner? Well, in truth, it wasn't a winner nor was it totally bad. The prawn paste stuffing was springy and fragrant, the wine was minimal but could be tasted while the pate was a really small piece which didn't quite get its taste across due to the multitude of other flavors. The thing about this is that each of us got....1 miserable serving...which is rather miserly if you ask me

      Stir Fried Shark's Fin with Eggs, Bean Sprouts And Spring Onion - This was good. Period. Fragrant, tasty and crunchy. It embodies all the elements within to good effect. The shark's fin actually tasted like vermicelli but it was more fine and lighter. The complaint here is going to follow through for the entire post. There just wasn't enough to go around. One plate is all we got and shared among each other. I would have loved more of this but that didn't happen.

      Sauteed Lobster With Garlic - The lobster in garlic is another of those dishes which came a little too little. For the price, i would have expected to be served an entire lobster but i only got half of it. A good half nonetheless. Sweet springy meat in glorious garlic. The taste reminds me of the garlic prawns in Hai Tien Lo but with a little more meat. Good stuff, if there was more.

      Steamed Red Garouper in Superior Soy Sauce - To be honest, i don't know much about fish. So i can't differentiate between a red garoupa and from the same species of another color. And i can't tell you the price of this fish as well as the difference between superior soy sauce and normal ones. Having said all that, this fish tasted just like the ones my mother does at home. Slightly salty and juicy with a smooth texture.

      Chef Chan's Famous Crispy Roast Chicken - Ah yes, the legendary Chef Chan's crispy roast chicken. I'm happy to report that this at least, lives up to its name. Crispy, well roasted skin with hints of salt and other marinates tantalizes your taste buds while juicy and tender meat sit beneath it just waiting to be tasted. Its definitely something worth trying at least once.

      Sauteed Vegetable With Shredded Mushroom - Normal sums it up pretty well. I don't even know how this could have made the list but it disappoints pretty badly. Its not bad per se mind you, just not something i would expect to see on my table during an expensive meal.

      Glutinous Rice With Mango and Gui Ling Gao - We gave feed back in the restaurant and we'll give the same feed back here. This combination simply does not work. Not one bit. The glutinous rice is sweet, the mango is sour and the gui ling gao is bitter. Throw them all together and the result is still a bad idea.

      White Fungus - This dessert however, was good. Sweet, clear, light and warm. It served to calm the senses a fair bit after the meal.

      The final bill worked out to be $860.15 after a 10% discount. A hefty sum to pay for the meal on display though.

      I expected more from this place. More atmosphere, more variety and most importantly, more food. Sadly, it didn't live up to expectations with the misses in the menu. Service was good overall and the items that were well done, were definitely worth trying. Still, i won't return for a second try anytime soon.

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      1. His Food Blog
         18 May 2008 at 12:47 pm
           Chef Chan Restaurant - Restaurants   Chef Chan Restaurant - Restaurants   Chef Chan Restaurant - Restaurants   Chef Chan Restaurant - Restaurants   Chef Chan Restaurant - Restaurants

        Located in an obscure corner of the newly restored National Museum of Singapore – with no signboard or whatsoever on its exterior (signboard faces inwards as I discovered), Chef Chan’s Restaurant, honed by Master Chef Chan Chen Hei – a widely known and respected figure in the Chinese culinary circle, dwells completely at ease in the ‘new’ historical setting – as it is complete with Chef Chan’s personal precious collection of Chinese antiques amassed over the years.

        The place is exquisite with only four private dining rooms up for reservations – walk-ins are not entertained.

        From utensils to cutleries (besides the glass carrying warm water), everything was matched to give one an authentic Cantonese dining experience to that of a Chinese noble.

        With much anticipation, first up was the Melon Strips Enlivened with Orange Juice. While some claimed the melon to be crunchy, I find it rather hard to chew on. However, what turns me off from this dish was the sweet orange aftertaste one gets, and we all felt "Melon Strip Dip in Fanta Orange" would be more apt description.

        One thing that irks me in Chinese fine dining is that you are unable to have a 2nd helping unlike those traditional Chinese banquet. This is illustrated when the Prawn Balls Stuffed with Pate and Wine was stacked temptingly on the serving plate but only one was distributed to each of us.

        The exterior crust was crispy yet gentle for the throat but the interior was a major letdown – it was just overwhelmed with prawn taste that one cannot discern a hint of the pate or wine in it.

        Stir Fried Shark's Fin with Eggs, Bean Sprouts and Spring Onion Served in Lettuce Leaves was probably one of the better dishes that night.

        A good harmony among the ingredients – chewy shark’s fin and crunchy bean sprouts and lettuce leaves was a pleasure to chomp on. However, reality check beseech me to realise that one doesn’t need extraordinary culinary skill to execute this – this is one reason why my dad doesn’t order bean sprouts whenever we dine out.

        The Sautéed Lobster with Garlic was another highly anticipated dish since it was one of the more “luxurious” items on the menu that night. The intense aroma of the garlic wowed us when it was first brought into our room, but we soon live to regret it as the profuse amount of garlic threatens to engulf the whole dish. It was such a shame since the lobster was very fresh and sweet but the tingling feeling from the garlic seeks to mar it.

        The meat of the Steamed Sliced Red Garoupa in Village Style was very fresh with a good bite, but the gravy that accompanied it was outrageously starchy.

        This is another example of excessive inclusion of element (starch if you are wondering) that threatens to blemish the already pathetic serving of fish that each of us got that night.

        The Sautéed Vegetables with Shredded Mushrooms was greeted with disappointment that night. Drenched in gravy, it was just ordinary – any decent cook should be able to pull this off their kitchen – enough said.

        The only showpiece for the night rightfully belongs to this seemingly humble chicken. Probably his best known dish, Chef Chan’s Famous Crispy Roast Chicken was the only dish that kept everyone quiet throughout its partake. Everyone was busy devouring the crispy skin that snap with every bite, coupled with the moist and tender chicken meat that was nothing short of flavour. This dish even though tended towards the saltier side near the end, was the only one that blew me away. A simple dish yet delicately and magnificently executed.

        Dessert of the night was a choice between Papaya with White Fungus and Herbal Jelly with Glutinous Rice & Mango. And I opted for the latter, which I swiftly regretted. The dessert didn’t quite gel as one and I ended up eating it three ways, first the mango that was unripe therefore sour, then the glutinous rice which was nothing extraordinary, and lastly follow by the Herbal Jelly which some concluded should come with more honey, but I am used to having it bitter.

        We chalked a total of $860.15 for 9 people (after 10% credit card discount), which roughly makes out to $96 per pax. For such a price and Straits Time claiming that it deserved at least one Michelin Star, expectations were high and I expected more. However, only the roast chicken make it for me that night that one is definitely better off having the rest of the dishes at some Tze Char stall elsewhere.

        You can view more photos and other reviews @ His Food Blog.

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