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86 East Coast Road
Katong Village Blk C #01-21
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6348-0289
Restaurants » Chinese (Traditional), Chinese
Photos of The Chef’s Crabs Seafood Restaurant - RestaurantsPhotos of The Chef’s Crabs Seafood Restaurant - RestaurantsPhotos of The Chef’s Crabs Seafood Restaurant - RestaurantsPhotos of The Chef’s Crabs Seafood Restaurant - RestaurantsPhotos of The Chef’s Crabs Seafood Restaurant - Restaurants

This is a chinese seafood restaurant located at Katong Village. The restaurant specialities are: Black Pepper Crabs, Chiili Crabs, Fragrant Garlic Chicken, Champagn Pork Ribs, Volcano Beancurd... These items are the chef's well known... Must try!!

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    » 1 Review for “The Chef’s Crabs Seafood Restaurant ” - Restaurants

  1. caseline
     15 Feb 2009 at 11:21 am
       The Chef   The Chef   The Chef   The Chef   The Chef

    The black Pepper crab is my fav., they use pure black pepper to grind it and cook it. Very nice!The chilli crabs gravy is much more nicer than Jumbo I would say, very thick, when you eat with their fry bun, yum yum. Also the fragrant garlic chicken, when go with white rice will be nice. Especially the garlic, I personally don't like garlic, but they fried it till you won't feel that you are eating garlic. The Volcano beancurd, the chef's speciality, beancurd won't be plain with the gravy on it. And I like most is the mee goreng, can you imagine eating the whole plate of mee goreng alone and won't get sick eating every day? Their mee goreng really taste different and it's worth a restaurant price.

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