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No 287 Tanjong Katong Road
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 8688-2727
Eating Places » Coffee Shops
Photos of Eng’s Noodles House - Eating PlacesPhotos of Eng’s Noodles House - Eating PlacesPhotos of Eng’s Noodles House - Eating PlacesPhotos of Eng’s Noodles House - Eating PlacesPhotos of Eng’s Noodles House - Eating Places

Established since 1950s...

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “Eng’s Noodles House ” - Eating Places

  1. Muffy
     02 Sep 2013 at 11:39 am
       Eng   Eng   Eng   Eng   Eng

    Friends were raving about this particular wonton noodle stall which was previously located at Dunman Road Hawker Centre. They have now moved to Tanjong Katong Road.

    Upon arrival, we were greeted by the staff who politely inquired the number of diners. He also briefly explained that we need to fill up form for the order, walk to pay at cashier and wait for the food to be served.

    Before we could start talking and taking photos, our food was brought to our table. We noticed that the noodles looked quite plain with some vegetables and char siew. Advised by friends that it was best to taste the noodles without their homemade fiercely hot chilli sauce, we started to toss and mixed the small portion of gravy at the base of the bowl.

    Surprisingly, the noodles were not soggy or lumpy. The texture was springy, fresh and blended well after the tossing. The wantons were well wrapped with flavourful minced meat and the char siew were less fatty with slight burnt portion. It was yummy… We were also warned about the super hot chilli sauce. We tried a small spoonful and indeed, it was hot as we began to perspire after the second mouthful.

    Another interesting item that we noticed was a container of fried lard placed at one corner for diners to add to their noodles. And it was free flow for all diners together with topping up of hot soup.

    After tasting the wonderful soft and silky wanton, we decide to order another plate of fried wantons. The skin was thin, crispy and the meat mixture was balanced – not too salty, oily or dried after deep fried.

    When we finished, we noticed a big board explaining the history of this shop since 1950s where the noodles cost just $0.30 a bowl. We were very impressed by the efforts made by the predecessors of this owner who have brought us childhood memories where noodles were sold on push cart with clicking of bamboo sticks to announce their arrival.

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    Comments on this review:
    1. Leenie Pigs
      Leenie Pigs said:
      Looked like a nice place to bring my grandma to :)
      02 Sep 2013 at 2:33 pm
    2. Muffy
      Muffy said:
      Ha ha...hope you like it too
      03 Sep 2013 at 2:43 pm
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