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3 Temasek Boulevard
Suntec City Mall #B1-115 to #B1-120
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6338-2848
Eating Places » Food Courts
Photos of Food Republic (Suntec Fountain) - Eating PlacesPhotos of Food Republic (Suntec Fountain) - Eating Places

Operating Hours: 10am to 10pm (Sun – Thurs) 10am to 11pm (Fri – Sat and Eve of Public Holidays)

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “Food Republic (Suntec Fountain) ” - Eating Places

  1. thinkefy
     15 Nov 2013 at 10:13 am
       Food Republic (Suntec Fountain) - Eating Places   Food Republic (Suntec Fountain) - Eating Places

    Its been a while since i've wondered through the dull granite flooring of one of Singapore's most iconic shopping mall and convention centre, the Suntec City Mall. Rigorous renovation have been taking place for a long period of I guess more than a year and have unwrapped into a delightful surprise.

    The fountain terrace, a area where most would satisfy their hunger pangs have unveiled a new look with new concept restaurants and plentiful of comfortable and squeaky shiny plastic patent decos and furnitures all around. In place of the old Kenny Rogers and a few other indian and chinese restaurant along this stretch is the chic looking Food Republic Food Court.

    Food republic is famous for their clean local english looking decos and functional yet charming shop front displays. Here you can find plenty of seat and lots of variety to choose from. The choice is ample and the food yummilicious. Its a mixture of local delights as well as localised foreign tasting dishes. We could almost find a good seat though its a crowded weekend lunch time and the staff cleared them table almost immediately leaving almost nothing behind except a wet stain that dried up almost immediately.

    Seats were not exactly comfy to laze but good for dining and the way the space was utilized is great. Its crowded yet we have ample space and could eat without knocking somebody or get knocked by somebody. Air conditioning was good though we could see everybody's food smoking, the overall atmosphere was cool and comfortable. Real nice place to dine and prices were a little steep but is the regular town food court pricing like $6 for a bowl of wanton noodles or $6.50 for some hot plate korean meat set.

    Location: 4/5, Ambience: 4/5, Cleanliness: 4/5, Price: 3/5, Food Selection: 3.5/5, Delicious factor: 3/5, Handicap Friendliness: 3.5/5

    Will I return: Yes

    Will I bring my friends: Yes

    Tags: 3  add tags
    Rating given:3 stars
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