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Hougang Mall (#B1-21)
Telephone: (65) 6425-8421
Food and Beverages » Bakeries
Photos of Four Leaves (Hougang Mall) - Food & BeveragesPhotos of Four Leaves (Hougang Mall) - Food & BeveragesPhotos of Four Leaves (Hougang Mall) - Food & BeveragesPhotos of Four Leaves (Hougang Mall) - Food & BeveragesPhotos of Four Leaves (Hougang Mall) - Food & Beverages

    Overall Rating:
    » 2 Reviews for “Four Leaves (Hougang Mall) ” - Food & Beverages

  1. fin1710
     06 Jul 2008 at 9:19 pm
       Four Leaves (Hougang Mall) - Food & Beverages   Four Leaves (Hougang Mall) - Food & Beverages

    Had my birthday cake from here- Strawberry shortcake.

    It was 21cm and cost $32.

    It's a vanilla sponge cake layered with strawberry slices. The strawberries were sweet and fresh and there were many slices of them in the cake.

    The cake was soft and tasted very good.

    The whipped cream was also not bad and it was not heavy.

    After having had this cake for my birthday, I introduced this to my group of friends. We bought it for a friend's birthday, and after trying it, they all were satisfied with this cake even after a full meal of steamboat.

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    1. Lucardia
       26 Apr 2008 at 8:02 pm
         Four Leaves (Hougang Mall) - Food & Beverages   Four Leaves (Hougang Mall) - Food & Beverages   Four Leaves (Hougang Mall) - Food & Beverages   Four Leaves (Hougang Mall) - Food & Beverages

      Cakes, every single year is a chance to try as many cakes as is humanly possible. And yet again, its four leaves cake that we went to. This time, for my GF's birthday (hence the shape). I'll reiterate that i've so far not had a bad cake from them yet.

      $26 for 15 inch cake - First off, i'm not a fan of heart shaped cakes, secondly, i'm also not a fan of strawberry cakes. With that out of the way, on to the cake and how it tastes.

      Unlike the usual chocolate cakes i'm used to, this version of strawberry cake actually has a strong and slightly bitter taste in the mousse to my surprise. It also lacks a somewhat "girly" feeling which usually accompanies cakes of this flavor. In fact, the soft chocolate sponge is of a stronger and better caliber then most. What it does is it compliments the strawberry mousse to a satisfying degree.

      The cake is also very soft and creamy without overwhelming such that seconds and thirds can be easily stomached.

      As far as strawberry mousse cakes go, this is one of the better ones i've had. Yet again, Four Leaves has not disappointed me my expectations. A reasonably good cake for your loved ones and strawberry lovers alike.

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