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Blk 215 Henderson Rd #01-06 Henderson Industrial park
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 9180-4262
Shopping (Online) » Jewelry & Accessories
Photos of Http:// - Shopping (Online)Photos of Http:// - Shopping (Online)Photos of Http:// - Shopping (Online)Photos of Http:// - Shopping (Online)

Hi, we are a established on-line shop dealing with unique and affordable accessories, adult diapers, cakes etc., Reliable and creditable, please feel free to drop in for a visit or click

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    » 1 Review for “Http:// ” - Shopping (Online)

  1. alice88chia
     17 Oct 2007 at 4:07 pm
       Http:// - Shopping (Online)   Http:// - Shopping (Online)   Http:// - Shopping (Online)   Http:// - Shopping (Online)

    Hi, I am the owner of Your are welcome to browse and feel free to email to me at [email protected] for more info if needed.

    We have a large selection of accessories, such as earrings (more than 1000 designs), necklaces, bracelets etc. The prices are affordable and its easy to order from the website.

    We have added other items to the list. Items such as adult diapers, which is cheap and it comes with free local delivery. Cakes from Strawberry Cakeshop, well know with its unique designs and service.

    Alternatively, you can sms me at 91804262 if needed. Thank you

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