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9 Scotts Road
#03-03 Pacific Plaza
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6887-4542
Shopping » Bridal
Beauty and Wellness » Hair Salons
Photos of Jayun Hair Boutique; Korea Salon - ShoppingPhotos of Jayun Hair Boutique; Korea Salon - ShoppingPhotos of Jayun Hair Boutique; Korea Salon - Shopping

Our mission is to provide clients with professional image and hair care services. To make our clients feel comfortable by providing a relaxed environment and quality services. Jayun has been established since 2006 till now, our clients will experienced, a friendly team of highly skilled staff and received a consistent results from the best staff in Singapore.

In Jayun, we strive to provide our customer with a lasting relationship and excellent service towards our customers.

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    » 1 Review for “Jayun Hair Boutique; Korea Salon ” - Shopping

  1. monkey
     04 Jun 2008 at 2:24 pm
       Jayun Hair Boutique; Korea Salon - Shopping   Jayun Hair Boutique; Korea Salon - Shopping   Jayun Hair Boutique; Korea Salon - Shopping

    Kindly make an appointment before going there. They will arrange hair designer for a consultaion. ^^ Must try: Cyber Clinic Hair Treatment - hand pick treatment from Japan. Visit for more services.

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