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900 South Woodlands Drive
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6760-2282
Restaurants » Thai
Photos of Lerk Thai (Woodlands Civic Centre) - RestaurantsPhotos of Lerk Thai (Woodlands Civic Centre) - RestaurantsPhotos of Lerk Thai (Woodlands Civic Centre) - RestaurantsPhotos of Lerk Thai (Woodlands Civic Centre) - RestaurantsPhotos of Lerk Thai (Woodlands Civic Centre) - Restaurants

    Overall Rating:
    » 2 Reviews for “Lerk Thai (Woodlands Civic Centre) ” - Restaurants

  1. whiteblanko
     13 May 2009 at 5:01 pm
       Lerk Thai (Woodlands Civic Centre) - Restaurants   Lerk Thai (Woodlands Civic Centre) - Restaurants   Lerk Thai (Woodlands Civic Centre) - Restaurants   Lerk Thai (Woodlands Civic Centre) - Restaurants

    My bff claims this place isnt too great, and I secretly wanted to see how bad it could get. But it wasnt as awful as she was quite passable and i was impressed by the service (: Best of all, SMU students get a 10% discount by flashing your matric card or student pass (with smu logo)!

    Onto the food!

    Tom Yum Seafood Soup ($1.99 with any purchase..of main course? cant rmb) Lots of juicy mushrooms, not much seafood. Soup was not too sour or spicy.

    Sambal kangkong was quite good, though cooked in a very chinese fashion. As we requested, it wasn't too oily.

    Seafood hor fun was passable, my favorite thing about it was the vegetables (not pictured cos i excitedly ate them all up) and the gravy before it liquidized ):

    Stewed thai beef noodle soup: soup was ok. The beef instant noodle bowl my dad got his friends to ship over from taiwan is nicer. This dish..I'd say its hygenic. Each mouthful is of clean-tasting lean beef, crunchy beansprouts and rice noodle.

    All in all, an average experience for average prices.

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    1. TrumPat
       05 Nov 2007 at 10:30 pm
         Lerk Thai (Woodlands Civic Centre) - Restaurants

      My friend was craving for Tom Yam soup that day so we decided to try out at this restaurant. Haha..

      Actually it isn't exactly a restaurant (for this branch) as it merely occupies a space near the entrance of Woodlands Civic Centre. Furthermore, there isn't a proper kitchen too.

      On top of the Tom Yam soup my friend had ordered, I ordered a papaya salad. They were pretty fast with their service. However, the food did not turn out too well. My friend commented that the Tom Yam soup only tasted sour & spicy but no Tom Yam taste, while my papaya salad was a little too salty.

      No idea if it's because there was a queue of customers waiting for seats or they made a mistake, the waiter was eager to push us for payment when we had no intention to as we wanted to have some Thai desserts. So then we ordered the Tago, which is infact Thai pudding with coconut jelly in pandan cups. On top of that, I've ordered the assorted thai desserts for take-home. The desserts turned out to be not bad.

      On the overall, I would still prefer the other Thai restaurant, both in terms of food and service, although it is a little more pricey.

      Oh yah, another point about this restaurant here. They don't serve free plain water!

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      Comments on this review:
      1. Polarbear
        Polarbear said:
        Hmm... Semm like will not going to this place for any thai food. Haa.....
        06 Nov 2007 at 8:38 am
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