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6 Raffles Boulevard
Level 4, Marina Square
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6337-2937
Eating Places » Food Courts
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    » 7 Reviews for “Marina Food Loft ” - Eating Places

  1. sakurrin
     18 Oct 2009 at 1:33 pm

    Marina food loft !!!

    hmm...been there quite a few times and especially these few months which a lot of activities has been going on over there....

    at the food loft...i tried the japanese fried fish ! the fried fish has two version one is the korean and another is the japan ...if you have been to there you will understand what i mean :D

    the fish cost $5.50 which it come with a bowl of soup ... inside contain crab meat, fish ball and vegetables also come with a bowl of rice. :D

    we try to find the difference between the korean and japanese version but we guess the only difference lies in the soup ...

    apart from that we also ordered the Pan Fried Dumplings

    comments from us is : TOTALLY not nice ....

    the meat is not fresh and the vinegar sauce they gave make it even end up i just feel that the $3.50 has gone to waste ...

    photos will soon be up after i uploaded it in my com

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    1. catherinetgk
       09 Jan 2009 at 4:47 pm

      MArina food loft is really good

      The food there is cheap and good. I especially like the Ramen there.. Its yummy and the veggies are fresh and give flavour to the soup. :D

      Yummy yummy.....

      the Korean food is pretty good, too. ;)

      I also like the drinks sold there. the Milo is yuh-mmy.


      The food is really good. Most of the food has been recommended on TV shows. I heard the curry chicken is nice and our makan places lost and found.

      So, I will recommend three things, 1. Japanese food 2. Korean food. 3. Curry Chicken

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      1. shani
         04 Sep 2008 at 10:42 pm

        **MARINA FOOD LOFT**

        I love to eat at marina food loft. Espcially the Japanese Cruisine i love the stir fried Japanese food there. Very tasty compared to the korean food there of course there's some dishes are the same but the tste and the life is more in the japanese cruisine, Try the Fried Tofu Set its About $4.80 or $5.00... Try to eat there but food quality there there's something but i don't but drinks usually hahaha save money !! try it and you love it ! trust me the taste very peppery and lots of essence to it haha........

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